Date: Tuesday 21 August Time: 18:00-19:30 Place: Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, Kalfaveien 31, Bergen Politics and law are major determinants of sexual and reproductive health, affecting the availability and quality of for sexual and reproductive health policies and services, including abortion care, as well as access to information and sex education. […]
Date: Thursday 23 August Time: 10:40-12:10 Place: Bergen Resource Centre for International Development, Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen Societies and states are at a crossroads in how children are to be treated, how their rights should be respected and protected. Children’s new position and the emphasis on their rights create tensions and challenge the traditional relationships between […]
Date: Wednesday 22 August Time: 10:00-11:00 Place: Bergen Resource Centre for International Development, Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen Technology is changing the law and the legal profession innumerable ways. This roundtable discusses some of the most pertinent issues – from threats that new technologies – by design or default – are posing to our privacy, and the […]
Date: Thursday 23 August Time: 14:30-15:30 Place: Bergen Resource Centre for International Development, Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen Is childhood obesity a case of medical neglect? Does it warrant state intervention? What is the state’s responsibility in creating a regulatory framework that supports parents in making healthy choices for their children’s nutrition: prohibition of obesogenic marketing for […]
Date: Monday 20 August Time: 18:00-19:30 Place: Auditorium 4, Faculty of Law, University of Bergen This roundtable will explore the potential and challenges of harnessing law, including international human rights law, to promote equity and accountability in health systems and global health governance. Agenda 2030, and the Sustainable Development Goals, which followed the Millennium Development […]
Date: Thursday 23 August Time: 12:20–13:30 Place: Bergen Resource Centre for International Development, Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is a global and a European standard. It is a legal document with global reach and thus a cosmopolitan imprint, as well as the most far-reaching document explicitly stating […]
Date: Wednesday 22 August Time: 11:15–12:15 Place: Bergen Resource Centre for International Development, Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen Regimes moving towards more authoritarian forms of rule, often go to great length to formally amend their constitutions – which seems a paradox since they often seem not to care about adhering to them. Why do authoritarian rulers care about their […]
Date: Tuesday 21 August Time: 12:30-13:15 Place: Bergen Resource Centre for International Development, Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen All societies have laws regulating sexuality and reproduction, and the adequacy of these laws are often the centre of heated debates – as during the #metoo campaign. In this seminar we will discuss the criminal regulation of sex, gender […]
Date: Tuesday 21 August Time: 10:30-11:20 Place: Bergen Resource Centre for International Development, Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen Human rights violations are closely related to structural inequalities in society – when we look at barriers to the implementation of the right to health we need to take as a starting point how overlapping structures of discrimination – […]
Date: Thursday 23 August Time: 13:45-14:30 Place: Bergen Resource Centre for International Development, Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen Maja Janmyr (Professor of Law at the University of Oslo and Head of the LawTransform Migration Unit) was awarded the Chr. Michelsen Prize for 2018 for her article “No Country of Asylum: ‘Legitimizing’ Lebanon’s Rejection of the 1951 Refugee […]