Child Rights



    Building child rights-based anti-racist competencies in the Finnish social field

    BLOG: Finland is becoming increasingly diverse. But is the Finnish social field equipped to meet children of diverse backgrounds?     Blogpost by: Laura Holmi, …

    Will the U.S. Abolition Narrative Make its Way to Europe?

    BLOG: Forces in the U.S. are calling for the abolition of the child protection system. Could Europe be next? Blog post by Jill Duerr Berrick, Professor …

    Can accountability promote participation for children?

    BLOG: Children and parents subjected to state interventions experience significant disruption in their lives. They may face many challenges, such as barriers to participation and …

    Do young wives have agency?

    One of the most interesting – albeit challenging – parts of researching child marriage in Brazil is recognizing the need for a more nuanced, dynamic, …

    Child Protection in post-Soviet countries: Child rights friendly?

    BLOG: There has been a shift in many post-Soviet countries’ efforts to improve the protection of children’s rights in child protection, resulting in fewer children …


    Cosmopolitan Turn and Democratic Sentiments

    The CONSENT-project will study the children’s rights situation in Norway and Romania. All children possess rights as declared in the United Nations Convention on the …

    Legitimacy Challenges

    The premise for the LEGITIMACY project is that the mobilization against the Norwegian child protection system is but one piece in a larger picture about …

    Discretion and the Child’s Best Interest in Child Protection

    The research project “Discretion and the child’s best interests in child protection” aims to unlock the black box of discretionary decision-making in child protection cases …

    The Acceptability of Child Protection Interventions: A Cross-Country Analysis

    This project examines the population´s values and interpretations of the child´s best interest’s principle within different societies, as well at the courts justifications of their …

    Child Protection and Human Rights – Making professional judgements

    The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is a legal document with global reach and thus has a cosmopolitan imprint. The CRC …



    Funding for new project: PARTICIPATION: Are Children Heard in the Child Protection System?

    NEW PROJECT: Marit Skivenes, LawTransform’s Child Rights’s  unit research leader, has received funding to conduct a groundbreaking study of children’s participation. – Lack of participation …

    Brnevernfrokost - webianrserie om barnevern og barns rettigheter Barnevernsfrokost – ny webinarserie

    I den nye webinarserien Barnevernsfrokost, skal vi hver måned behandle et tema innenfor barnevern og barns rettigheter. Nå på tirsdag, 3. november kl. 9.00, avholdes …


    Comparing Child Protection Laws: Insights from Constitutional Courts

      As part of our RDV-webinar series with the Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism , LawTransform hosted a lecture by Conor O’Mahony, Professor …

    RDV: Brazil: Deciding in times of crisis

    Time: 23. February, 14:15 Place: Jekteviksbakken 31 or Zoom.     Karina Denari (FGV São Paulo Law School), Siri Gloppen (UiB) and Larissa Margarido (FGV São Paulo Law School). …