May 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the Council of Europe. It was founded in 1949 as a response to the fundamental violations of human rights in World War II. The Statute was signed by ten founders and now includes 47 Member States which have come together to agree on common standards on human rights, […]
Globalt ble 2018 et dårlig år for rettsstaten. I sin åpningstale som ny FN-kommisjoner for menneskerettigheter, uttrykte Michelle Bachelet i september 2018 fortvilelse over de mange tilbakeslagene verden rundt: Dommere ble verbalt angrepet i USA, sparket i Polen og arrestert i Tyrkia, av statenes utøvende myndigheter. Regjeringsmakt ble styrket på bekostning av grunnleggende sivile rettigheter i […]
For students in Bergen, there are two LawTransform-related courses offered this semester: “Constitution and Politics” is a MA/BA level course offered as a collaboration between the Faculty of Law and the Department of Comparative politics. Course leaders are Eirik Holmoyvik and Siri Gloppen. “Lawfare: Law as political strategy” is an MA level course offered by the […]
We congratulate a team of LawTransform researchers lead by Elin Skaar (Chr. Michelsen Institute), who has been awarded a grant from the Norwegian Research Council to investigate ”Women on the Bench: The Role of Female Judges in Fragile States”. The project is a partnership between the CMI and the Overseas Development Institute (Pilar Domingo) and […]
Andrea Castagnola is an assistant professor at the School of Politics and Government at Universidad Nacional de San Martin, Argentina. In her new book “Manipulating Courts in New Democracies: Forcing Judges off the Bench in Argentina”, the main questions are: When can the Executive manipulate the composition of a Court? What political factors explain judicial instability […]