Law & Social Change: Interdisciplinary research on law: Why and how?

Why is interdisciplinary research on law and society important? How should it be done? And what are the possibilities and challenges and risks involved? Jan Fridthjof Bernt, Roger Strand and Siri Gloppen will share their experiences and thoughts on interdisciplinary research on 4 February. See the event here.

Highlights from Bergen Exchanges 2015

The second annual Bergen Exchanges on Law and Social Transformation took place from 17-21 August 2015 at the Bergen Resource Centre. Around 80 scientists, scholars and students from all continents participated in debates, round tables and lectures. Across the wide range of topics discussed, lawfare – the use of law as a political tool and instrument for social change – was […]

Book Launch: “Power, Suffering, and the Struggle for Dignity”

Welcome to the launch of the new book by Alicia Ely Yamin, Policy Director of the FXB Center for Health and Human Rights at Harvard University and Global Fellow of the Centre on Law & Social Transformation. At the launch Professor Paul Hunt, former UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health, Jashodhara Dasgupta, SAHAYOG […]

Annual LawTransform Lecture: Gerald Rosenberg

“Hollow Hope Revisited: on the impact of marriage equality litigation in the USA” Wednesday, August 19, 4:30pm: University of Bergen, Faculty of Law, Auditorium 4. Se event with the full program here.

Criminalizing FGM in Sudan: A never ending story?

After decades of efforts to end female genital mutilation (FGM) in Sudan, the prevalence of the practice is still staggering. So far, attempts to criminalize FGM have been futile, but there is an election coming up. Will a new national assembly open up for law reform?

Blog: Debating Rape-Related Abortion in Peru

Abortion in Cases of Rape: Toward A Sincere Debate By Camila Gianella Puublished on FXB CENTER FOR HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS | HARVARD UNIVERSITY October 28, 2014. According to the last Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) conducted in Peru, 2.8 percent of women aged 15 to 49 who were in a relationship reported having been raped […]

Defining rights

Scholars note a bigger role for courts on sexual and reproductive issues. Scholars and reproductive rights activists gathered in Cambridge last week to put international legal forums under the microscope and better understand their increasingly prominent role in defining reproductive and sexual rights. In recent years, more cases involving these rights have been decided in […]

Juridification and Social Citizenship

The law plays an important role in the administration of the modern welfare state.Henriette Sinding Aasen, Professor of Law at the University of Bergen, explains the effects juridification has on modern citizenship in a blogpost in Elgar Blog