The law plays an important role in the administration of the modern welfare state.Henriette Sinding Aasen, Professor of Law at the University of Bergen, explains the effects juridification has on modern citizenship in a blogpost in Elgar Blog
CMI-Gloppen-Bernt-060514 from Knut Tande on Vimeo.
What impact do international and national regulations have upon vulnerable groups in terms of inclusion, exclusion and social citizenship? A new book coming soon explores the nature and effects of current juridification processes are hotly debated amongst social scientists and legal scholars. Bringing empirical analysis and multidisciplinary, comparative perspectives to the previously fragmented and largely theoretical debate on juridification in […]
Sexual and reproductive rights are lightening-rods of controversy in most societies. Political polarization has been particularly pronounced with regard to abortion rights and rights of sexual minorities, but is also evident in issues such as the regulation of contraception, sterilization and adultery, divorce, sexual education and stem cell research. A new project will explore the growing judicialization of […]
The Centre Director, Siri Gloppen, is Professor of Comparative Politics at the University of Bergen and a senior researcher at CMI. Bergen hosts many researchers who work on lawfare, or the strategic use of law as a political tool. The last 15 years, researchers from CMI and different faculties and departments at the University of Bergen, […]