Are Norwegian prisons perfect?

Davi Málaga (2024)

This blogpost reflects part of Davi Mendes Málaga’s Ph.D. research on the field of Administration, with focus in Public Administration and Policy. In this work, this scholar is currently studying imprisonment and incarceration through a public policy standpoint, the different traditions in prison policy, as well as the way that policy choices affect the policy […]

There are Fosen-cases all over the world – do they improve indigenous peoples’ rights?

Siri Gloppen (2024)


By Siri Gloppen  (Written as an op-ed in Panorama (in Norwegian) as part of the PluriLand project) Despite the special protection given to indigenous peoples under international law, abuses against indigenous peoples and those who fight for their rights continue. What does it take for the courts to protect indigenous rights? And does winning in […]

International Labour Day – Should focus be on how much we work or how we work?

Zsuzsanna Ziegler (2024)

1st of May is International Labour Day. This is not just a celebration of the rights won by employees, but a day to march for more rights. It is a great opportunity to discuss what should be done to improve the quality of work and employee satisfaction. In today’s world, flexibility plays an increasingly important […]

Zimbabwe’s civil society is suffocating as we turn our eyes away

Siri Gloppen (2023)


By Siri Gloppen   (written as an op-ed for Panorama (in Norwegian as part of the RightsAct project) The room for manoeuvre for rights activists in Zimbabwe has been dramatically curtailed since I was last here in 2018.  Legislative changes criminalize regime-critical strikes and demonstrations, and activists are abducted in broad daylight, tortured and, in […]

Where ordinary laws fall short: ‘riverine rights’ and constitutionalism

Elizabeth Macpherson, Axel Borchgrevink, Rahul Ranjan & Catalina Vallejo Piedrahíta (2021)

“Where ordinary laws fall short: ‘riverine rights’ and constitutionalism.” Elizabeth Macpherson, Axel Borchgrevink, Rahul Ranjan & Catalina Vallejo Piedrahíta. 2021. Griffith Law Review. DOI: 10.1080/10383441.2021.1982119.

Where ordinary laws fall short: ‘riverine rights’ and constitutionalism New publication from our LawTransform affiliate Catalina Vallejo Piedrahita. Laws that recognise rivers and their ecosystems as legal persons or subjects with their own rights, duties and obligations have been associated with theories of environmental constitutionalism. However, the extent to, and manner in which, constitutional law […]

Master thesis: Safeguarding borders, or safeguarding queers?

Yngvild Gotaas Torvik has submitted her master thesis on queer asylum, titled “Safeguarding borders, or safeguarding queers – Norwegian perceptions of (in)credible LGBT asylum seekers at the intersection of ‘LGBT friendly’ norms and restrictionalist immigration policies”. This was written as part of the research project Sexual and Reproductive Rights Lawfare: Global battles. The thesis explores […]

Frå sinke til føregangsland på transpersonars rettar

Malin Solheim Moldestad (2016)

Moldestad’s MA thesis I løpet av to år gjekk Norge frå å vere ei sinke når det gjelder transpersonar sine rettar til å bli eit føregangsland med diskrimineringsvern grunna kjønnsidentitet og kjønnsuttrykk og verdas mest liberale lov om endring av juridisk kjønn. Oppgåvas målsetnad er å undersøkje kva som var bakgrunnen for den nye lova […]