- J. Dugard, B. M. Wilson, C. Faulkner, A. Singh, C. Vallejo, N. Wahi, I. Winkler. “Water and Sanitation as Human Rights” at the School for Human Rights and the Environment, June 20, 2022.
- B. M. Wilson. Researching Effects of Water Rights. PhD Course “Effects of Lawfare: Courts and law as battlegrounds for social change”. CMI-UiB Centre on Law and Social Transformation. Virtual. August 19, 2022.
- K. Hamann, C. Faulkner, and B. M. Wilson. Women’s Political Representation and the Human Right to Water. SPSA Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX. 2022.
- K. Hamann, C. Faulkner. Women in Elected Office and the Human Right to Water. American Political Science Association, Montreal, September 15-18, 2022.
- K. Hamann, C. Faulkner. Women’s Political Representation and the Human Right to Water. Law and Society Association Annual Conference, Lisbon, Portugal. July 2022.
- A. M. Páez. Regulatory governance, human rights and the case of community-run water plants in Colombia. Presentation at the Centre of Policy Research (CPR) – state Capacity Initiative. 2022.
- D. Brinks, B. M. Wilson, A. Singh. The Decentered Construction of Global Rights: Lessons from the Human Right to Water. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. 2021.
- D. Brinks, A. Singh. Right to Water. Meet the Author session. PhD Course: Effects of Lawfare. CMI-UiB Centre on Law and Social Transformation. 2021.
- J. Dugard. Water rights struggles in Johannesburg and Detroit revisited: Looking beyond courts at the politics and power of rights-based legal mobilization. EADI ISS Conference 2021: Solidarity, peace and social justice. The European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes Opens external (EADI) and the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) General Conference on Solidarity, Peace and Social Justice. Virtual. 5-8 July, 2021.
- J. Dugard. Water rights struggles in Johannesburg and Detroit revisited: Looking beyond courts at the politics and power of rights-based legal mobilization. Law and Society Association Annual Meeting. 2021.
- J. Dugard. Water scarcity – the ethical challenge: A perspective from Cape Town’s Day Zero crisis (2017-2018). Expert Workshop on Professional Ethical Judgment. 2021.
- I. T. Winkler. The Human Rights to Water and Sanitation. Lecture for the UN Audiovisual Library (A virtual training and research centre in international law). 9 June, 2021. Virtual.
- I. T. Winkler, J. K. Ward. The human right to water in the US. Global Leadership School of Indigenous Women, Program on Human Rights and International Advocacy Skills . 2021.
- A. M. Páez. Defending and protecting our right to water as a right to home: a view into water governance in Latin America and in Colombia. Tennessee State University – College of Public Service. Virtual Research Brown Bag Series. October 27, 2021.
- A. M. Páez. Channeling water conflicts through the legislative branch in Colombia. Tennessee State University – College of Public Service. Virtual Research Brown Bag Series. 2021. April 16, 2021.
- G. Murat Tezcür, R. Schiel, B. M. Wilson. Evaluating a Human Rights Approach to Water: A Case Study of a Turkish Dam. Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability. Santiago, Chile, January 2020.
- R. Schiel, B. M. Wilson, M. Langford. Democracy and Public Goods Revisited: The Role of Local Institutions and Development. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. August 2020.
- R. Schiel, B. M. Wilson, M. Langford. Democracy and Public Goods Revisited: The Role of Local Institutions and Development. Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico. January 2020.
- R. Schiel, B. M. Wilson, M. Langford. Democratic Deficiencies: Institutional Characteristics, Economic Development, and Water Access. Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2020.
- R. Schiel, B. M. Wilson, M. Langford. Democratic Deficiencies: Democratic Institutions, Economic Development, and Water Access. School of Politics, Security, and International Affairs. University of Central Florida. March 2020.
- R. Schiel. Public Health and Water. Centre College: Guest Lecture. February 2020.
- A. Singh. The Politics of Security in India: Progress and Challenges. Securing Access to Drinking water in Indian Cities: The Local Interface of Law, Government and People.School of Politics, Security, and International Affairs at the University of Central Florida. October 16, 2020.
- K. Chacón, R. Shiel. Panorama general sobre el estado y uso del agua en Costa Rica. Water Rights in Costa Rica. 2020.
- D. Brinks. New rights and the legal opportunity structure: impact of the right to water on mobilization strategies around the world. Law and Society Association (LSA) Annual Meeting. Washington. 2019.
- L. Côrtes, C. Gianella, A. M. Paez Murcia. Constitutional Recognition of the Right to Water: Opportunities and limitations in Brazil, Colombia and Peru. Law and Society Association (LSA) Annual Meeting. Washington. 2019.
- L. Côrtes, N. Wahi, B. M. Wilson, D. Brinks, E. Villarreal Fernandez, I. Winkler. Elevating water rights to human rights: Has it strengthened marginalized peoples’ claim for water? Law and Society Association (LSA) Annual Meeting. Washington. 2019.
- L. Cortes, N. Wahi, B. M. Wilson, D. Brinks, E. Villarreal Fernandez, I. Winkler, S. Kozikis. Elevating water rights to human rights: Has it strengthened marginalized peoples’ claim for water? Law and Society Association (LSA) Annual Meeting. Washington. 2019.
- L. Côrtes, C. Gianella, C. Vallejo, A. M. Paez Murcia. Constitutional Reforms for the Enshrinement of the Right to Water: Opportunities and Limitations in Brazil, Colombia and Peru. Water in the Americas, CREDA (CNRS). 2019.
- J. Dugard, I. Winkler. The Operation of Water Rights in Two Racialized Contexts: South Africa and the USA. Law and Society Annual Meeting. Washington. 2019.
- L. Côrtes. Judicial Conflicts over Water Supply in Brazil: the case of Guarani in Paraná. LASA Conference. 2018.
- L. Côrtes. Water Rights’ Discourse in Acampamento Terra Livre. 18th IUAES World Congress. 2018.
- C. Gianella. Amazonian Indigenous Organization’s Struggles toward the Access to Clean Water in Peru. The case of 5 cuencas. 18th IUAES World Conference. OP 194. Water rights and indigenous identities in Latin America. 2018.
- B. Wilson. Examining the Human Right to Water: Do Human Rights Improve the Lives of Marginalized People? LASA Conference. 2018.
- D. Brinks. Human Rights, Inequality, and Natural Resource Governance. Human Rights and Inequality in the Context of Natural Resource Extraction. 2017.