Camila Gianella, Researcher at the Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI)/Centre on Law & Social Transformation will present findings from the Abortion Rights Lawfare in Latin America research project. The project studies the legal and political battles over women’s sexual and reproductive rights in the region and Latin American women’s right to decide over their bodies:
Camila spends much of her time in Peru, where she does extensive fieldwork, but is back in Norway to give an update.
CMI/Centre on Law & Social Transformation is collaborating with FOKUS to make relevant findings and insights available to actors working on the ground in Latin-America and East Africa as well as for advocacy work, and the seminar seeks to make this information available to a broader audience.
Coffe and tea will be served. If you also want a bite to eat, please give notice to by Friday 12. February.
Facebook event here.