The Centre on Law and Social Transformation invites you to Film, Reflection and Popcorn- a free screening of the documentary on South Africa’s wine industry and the abuse of worker’s rights ‘Bitter Grapes’. This film is produced by Danish film maker Tom Heinemann.
Trailer: http://
22 years after the Apartheid regime fell in South Africa the wining industry has not transformed much as workers are working under terrible conditions. The wine produced under such conditions as depicted in the film is exported into the Nordic countries where consumers are fooled to believe that they have been produced under a worker friendly environment. In Norway the wine is bought by Vinmonopolet.
The film screening session will be followed by a panel discussion. The panel will be constituted by:
1. Tom Heinemann- film producer
2. Jorge Dahl – leader of The Plumber Union in Bergen, avd 750 Fellesforbundet.
Fellesforbundet cooperate with Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) about their program in South Africa. In February, Jorge along with Fellesforbundet and NPA, visited land- and wine workers and their trade union in Robertson.
Snacks will be served!!!