The Centre on Law & Social Transformation will be hosting many exciting events this fall, including:
Book Talk “European Constitutional Language” with András Jakab
Film & Reflection: “Presumed Guilty” a documentary on the Mexican Judicial system
“Implementing Socio-economic Rights in South Africa” with Pierre de Vos
Judges for Justice in Guatemala
Seige systemer og ville ideer – Migration week (Litteraturhuset i Bergen)
Truth and Justice in Haiti – Forgotten Recommendations, but Living Demands
Film & Reflection: “The Case against 8”
“Child Welfare Removals by the State” – Book Talk & Launch of LawTransform ‘Child Rights’ Unit
Launch of the LawTransform ‘Judicial Independence’ Unit
Accessing equal rights? Democratic conquest of the disability rights movement
“Climate Change Lawfare” with Nnimmo Bassey
Agreeing on Peace: insights from Colombia’s peace makers