Time: 17:00-18:30
In cooperation with Amnesty International Bergen, we present Shackelia Jackson – a human right defender from Jamaica. The case of her brother is one of this years six cases of Write for Rights campaign/ Skriv for Liv.
On the morning of 20 January 2014, Nakiea was busy cooking a large lunch order for the local branch of the National Blood Bank when, according to eyewitnesses, a police officer stormed into his shop, and shot him. The police officers had been looking for an alleged crime suspect – a man with dreadlocks. Nakiea fit that description.
After police killed her brother Nakiea in 2014 in Jamaica, Shackelia stood up, decided to obtain justice and the truth. She has fought relentlessly in the courts to ensure those suspected of the crime face justice. But instead of securing a day in front of a judge, the police have targeted them with a campaign of harassment, intimidation and violence.
In dozens of cases, Amnesty International’s research revealed how police employ illegal tactics to instill fear and prevent justice from taking its course. Police officers have raided relatives’ homes to stop them from showing up at court hearings, harassed witnesses to prevent them from testifying and intimidated those who managed to be heard inside the court room.
In conversation with [name of other panelist will be confirmed shortly], Shackelia Jackson talks about her experience in meeting with the Jamaican court system and her search for justice.
The event is free and open to all.
Coffee and snacks will be served.