Dr. Cathrine Holst is Professor of Sociology at the Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo. Her academic interests include political sociology and democracy research, social and political theory, the role of knowledge and expertise in policy and politics, EU, and gender policy. Holst is a part of and (co-)leader of several research groups and projects. She also leads the sub-project “Trust and Advice Mechanisms” under the EU-funded PERITA project (Policy, Expertise and Trust, 2020-2022), which studies systems through which experts assume an advisory role in policy making decisions in European countries. Together with Willy Pedersen she is in charge of a study of changes in Norwegian drug policy (under the project PROMENTA). In addition to having written numerous empirical articles and books, Holst is an experienced journal editor and has had columns in several Norwegian newspapers. https://www.sv.uio.no/iss/english/people/aca/cathho/index.html
The webinar is part of the RDV seminar series – a collaboration between the Research Group Law, Democracy and Welfare at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Center for Research on Discretion and Paternalism (UiB) and the Center on Law and Social Transformation – Lawtransform (UiB/CMI). Seminars consist of guest lectures or presentation of papers from the group members.