Time: 16. February 14:15
Place: Christies gate 17 or Zoom.
We welcome you to our RDV seminar with an excellent speaker, Jørn Øyrehagen Sunde. He will give a presentation titled “Protecting children from what? An overview of child protection in legal history”, in which he will shed light on where legal history research stands today and which ways the empirical evidence point us.
Jørn Sunde is coming to Bergen, and we invite you to join us physically at Christies gate 17 (second floor, Styrerommet/room 17.103) – there will be food and coffee. For those who can only join digitally, here is the Zoom link: https://uib.zoom.us/j/66046208468?pwd=ajZVYStKR3BxOVVVbk50YmJzMWxlZz09
Jørn Sunde is Professor in legal history at the Department of Public and International Law at the University of Oslo. He has authored and edited numerous books, including one on the history of the Norwegian Supreme Court, as well as several articles and book chapters, such as a chapter on the history of Nordic legal culture and court culture in the 2021 book, Rethinking Nordic Courts. Professor Sunde is dedicated to the dissemination of research and has held over 600 speeches outside academia, participated in the making of historical exhibitions, in radio and TV programs, and written a series of newspaper articles. Sunde is three times awarded lecturer of the year at the Faculty of Law in Bergen, where he was previously a professor. https://www.jus.uio.no/ior/english/people/aca/jornosu/index.html
The RDV series is a collaboration between DIPA (UiB) and LawTransform (UiB). To present in the interdisciplinary series, we have national and international researchers to talk about their pioneering research. The seminars are open to all, so please feel free to share this event to colleagues you believe may be interested.