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Ida Vikøren Andersen: The impact of social media on democracy and democratic discussions.
Ida Vikøren Andersen is Postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Foreign Languages, University of Bergen. Andersen’s main interests are rhetoric, political communication, and the public debate. In 2020, she defended her PhD theses “Instead of the deliberative debate: How the principle of expression plays out in the news-generated Facebook discussion”. Her doctoral project focused on the mechanisms at play in debates about political events on social media, and the thesis establishes a new framework for studying the impact of social media on democracy and democratic discussions.
The webinar is part of the RDV seminar series – a collaboration between the Research Group Law, Democracy and Welfare at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Center for Research on Discretion and Paternalism (UiB) and the Center on Law and Social Transformation – Lawtransform (UiB/CMI). Seminars consist of guest lectures or presentation of papers from the group members.