Religious/conservative movements and fake news

Date: 17 August 2021
It is becoming increasingly clear that challenges to constitutional democracies, “gender ideology” and welfare institutions like Norway’s child protection services are linked – both between countries and thematic fields – and furthermore, that critical research, academic freedom – and truthful facts – are central enemies. Fake news and hate speech flourish in social media and threaten public discourse and collective meaning formation. This roundtable discusses the transnational conservative movement and sheds light on the mechanisms that drives these processes. How are they funded, who are the central actors and institutions, and how can we meet the challenges?
Roundtable participants: Neil Datta (European Parliamentary Forum for Sexual and Reproductive Rights), Asgeir Falch-Eriksen (OsloMet) and Lisa-Marie Måseidvåg Selvik (PhD Candidate, CMI). Moderator: Mathea Loen (PhD candidate UiB/DIPA).