Date/Time: 24 August 2022, 09:00-09:50
Venue: HF Library and Youtube
Why do women remain underrepresented in political office, in courts, and in other positions of power – even in contexts where quotas are in place to equalise gender representation? To what extent can it be ascribed to the gendered nature of constitutions – generally made by and for men? And how important are financial constraints, fear of violence and resistance among gatekeepers in explaining gender disparities in representation and power? This session marks the publication of Ruth Rubio Marin’s new book on Global Gender Constitutionalism and Womens Citizenship.
Introduction by: Ruth Rubio Marin (University of Sevilla)
Participants: Pilar Domingo (Overseas Development Institute-ODI), Andrea Castagnola (University Torcuato Di Tella), Catarina Barbieri (FGV Law School, São Paulo)
Moderator: Matthew Gichohi (CMI)