Date: 19 August 2021
Recent decades have propelled children onto the societal agenda in new ways. We observe that children are increasingly regarded as individuals with separate interests and rights in many societies as discussed in the Convention of the Rights of the Child (CRC). Children’s right to participate in matters affecting them is a fundamental right stated in the CRC and it is an unequivocal right that should be straightforward for governments, the judiciary and public authorities to implement. Still, reports from children themselves, public audits and research demonstrate that children are not involved and do not participate to the extent that the Convention and the laws prescribe (for example). In this session, experts by experience come together with representatives from civil society, Bergen Municipality and research to discuss how to solve the puzzle with involving and including children in matters concerning them.
Roundtable participants: Stefan Schnurr (Professor, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland); Vibeke Normann Andersen (Director, SUS- Social Development Centre, Denmark); Anna Helene Mollerup (SUS); Louice Hetland (Bergen Municipality) Representatives from Forandringsfabrikken. Moderator: Lucie Ducarre (PhD Candidate, UiB, DIPA).
This event is hosted by DIPA (UiB Centre for research on discretion and paternalism) and is a Human Rights City event.