Kendra Dupuy

Team Members



Kendra Dupuy

Affiliated Researcher, Chr. Michelsen Institute

Political economist focusing on socio-economic development, with expertise in natural resource management, environmental politics, aid effectiveness, corruption, the education sector, armed conflict, and civil society.

Dupuy’s main role in the project is linked to collecting and analysing cross-national data, with a particular emphasis on association rights.




Restricting NGOs: From Pushback to Accommodation

Kendra Dupuy, Luc Fransen & Aseem Prakash (2021)

Special Issue Introduction In: Global Policy


Tempering Transnational Advocacy? The Effect of Repression and Regulatory Restriction on Transnational NGO Collaborations

Luc Fransen, Kendra Dupuy, Marja Hinfelaar, Sultan Mohammed & Zakaria Mazumder (2021)

Special Issue Article In: Global Policy


Why Restrictive NGO Foreign Funding Laws Reduce Voter Turnout in Africa’s National Elections

Kendra Dupuy & Aseem Prakash (2020)

In Non-Profit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 


Global Backlash Against Foreign Funding to Domestic Non-Governmental Organizations

Kendra Dupuy & Aseem Prakash (2020)

In Powell & Bromley: The NonProfit Sector. A Research Handbook. Stanford University Press.


Do donors reduce bilateral aid to countries with restrictive NGO laws?: A panel study, 1993-2012

Kendra Dupuy & Aseem Prakash (2018)

In Non-Profit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly