No less than four new LawTransform-affiliated research grants were awarded in December 2016!
Professor Marit Skivenes who heads the LawTransform Child Rights Unit was awarded the prestigious Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council (ERC), for her project “Discretion and the child’s best interests in child protection”.
ERC Consolidator Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators. To receive this grant, the Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition, and feasibility of their scientific proposal.
– The grant will consolidate my research ideas and thinking around core themes in social sciences – focusing on the government’s use of power towards its citizens, and how they justify intervening in citizens personal lives, she says about the 18 million NOK grant.
Skivenes also recieved a 10 million NOK grant from the Norwegian Research Council (Fripro) for the project “The acceptability of child protection interventions”. This project addresses the population’s values and interpretations of the best interest of the child within different societies, with a particular focus on migrant children and their families.
Two other LawTransform-projects were also awarded funding from the Norwegian Research Council (Fripro):
“Breaking Bad: Understanding the Backlash Against Democracy in Africa” is a collaboration cooperation between LawTransfrom affiliates on three continents and is headed by Lise Rakner at the Department of Comparative Politics, UiB who leads the LawTransform Democracy & Law Unit.
Bruce Wilson leads the project “Elevating water rights to human rights: Has it strengthened marginalized peoples ́ claim for water?” The project also includes LawTransform researchers Lara Côrtes, Camila Gianella , Dan Brinks, Malcolm Langford, Jackie Dugard, Namita Wahi, Tore Sætersdal and Siri Gloppen. The Project is part of the LawTransform unit on Natural resources & climate lawfare which is lead by Lara Côrtes.