Application deadline 20 June, 2020! Apply here.
Covid-19 update: we will have a digital PhD course starting from 10 August (with a preparatory period from 3 August). Note that the additional training in Humanitarian Diplomacy and participation at the Global Law and Politics Convergent Workshop is cancelled.
This year the course – and the Bergen Exchanges – will focus particularly on Law & Inequality, discussing strategic using of law to address inequalities in areas such as: gender; migration, land, water, climate, health and knowledge systems. There will also be sessions relating to legalized struggles over democratic backlash. The students attending the PhD course can sign up for a mentoring session with a relevant researcher participating in the Bergen Exchanges.
CANCELLED: It is possible to combine the PhD course with the training in Humanitarian Diplomacy that runs in the afternoons of this year’s Bergen Exchanges (17-21 August, for more information see here ). There is also the option of participating in the Global Law and Politics Convergent Workshop and present your research design there (15-16 August, see here).
More information about the course here.