The Bergen Exchanges take place the week of 14th -18th August. Take a look at the (draft) program here! The line-up of scholars from across the globe is amazing and we will discuss a range of topical challenges: DEMOCRACY, AUTOCRATIZATION & RESISTANCE ACADEMIC FREEDOM * DECOLONIZATION * CHILD RIGHTS GENDER, SEXUALITY * REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE * HEALTH ADDRESSING CLIMATE CHANGE * INDIGENOUS RIGHTS TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE * CRIMINAL LAW * MIGRATION
Please join us! All the sessions – at Kulturhuset, Universitetets Aula and Bergen Global – are free and open to all,. And if you want to know more about what to expect you can take a look at the program and recorded events of past year’s Bergen Exchanges.
If you join us, you will also meet a group of brilliant young scholars who participate in the PhD course Effects of Lawfare; Courts and law as battlegrounds for social change, where the Bergen Exchanges is an integrated par. ( Here is the program for the 2023 PhD course)