NEW PUBLICATION: Changes in the Norwegian Child Welfare Act formalize children’s right to “love”.
PhD fellow Hege Stein Helland, PhD fellow Ida B. Juhasz and researcher Amy McEwan-Strand have, together with social worker Lisette Holm, written a popular science article published in the journal Tidsskrift for Norsk Barnevern.
The article is based on a pro bono project where students and staff at the Center for Research on Discretion and Paternalism study the child focus of the Norwegian child welfare system.
In the article, the authors discuss the consequences of incorporating “love” into the revised Child Welfare Act as an ethical pillar for child welfare workers. The full article (in Norwegian) is available from the link below.
Lisette Holm, Hege Stein Helland, Ida B. Juhasz og Amy McEwan-Strand: Lovfestet kjærlighet. Endringer i barnevernloven gir barn rett til kjærlighet. Det er unikt i verdenssammenheng.Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern04 / 2019 (Volum 96)