Queer Realness: In Pursuit of Freedom

C. Anzio Jacobs (2020)

Interactive magazine and podcast "Queer Realness: In Pursuit of Freedom"

How are lives of transgender and intersex people in India affected by the momentous legal changes for LGBTIQ+ people that has taken place in the past years, including with the 2018 Supreme Court’s Navtej Johar decision which among other decriminalized homosexuality? And what are the stories behind the story of litigation? In the interactive magazine […]

International Earth Day 2020

Catalina Vallejo Piedrahíta, Research Leader for the Natural Resources & Climate Lawfare Unit International days have been established by the United Nations with the aim of raising public awareness of issues of great interest, such as human rights, sustainable development, or health. They also seek to draw the attention of the media and governments to […]

The Human Right to Water in a Global Pandemic

Rebecca Schiel, Bruce Wilson, Malcolm Langford (2020)

LSE Human Rights Blog

This blog post is an output of LawTransform’s project Elevating water rights to human rights: Has it strengthened marginalized peoples’ claim for water?. Water is undoubtedly essential beyond a pandemic, yet globally, three out of ten individuals lack access to safe drinking water (SDG). Populations lacking access to reliable, clean water are at a greater disadvantage […]

3 Human Rights Imperatives for Rationing Care in the Time of Coronavirus

Alicia Ely Yamin and Ole F. Norheim (2020)

Bill of Health blog, Harvard Law School

There is a notable silence as to one of the most critical decisions that almost every society will face during the COVID-19 pandemic: rationing scarce health care resources and access to care. The failure to engage directly with the most difficult questions of tradeoffs implies that “human rights-based approaches” and mantras invoking a “right to […]

Does it Matter: Constitutionalisation, Democratic Governance, and the Human Right to Water

Check out this new publication by Rebecca Schiel, Malcolm Langford, Bruce Wilson– an output of LawTransform’s project Elevating water rights to human rights: Has it strengthened marginalized peoples’ claim for water?. States are urged frequently by the UN, policymakers, and activists to recognise the human right to water domestically. However, does such legal incorporation, often […]

Kritisk blikk på omsorgsovertakelse av spedbarn

Marit Skivenes, Anne-Dorthe Hestbæk, Ingrid Höjer og Tarja Pösö (2020)

Children and Youth Services Review

Stort behov for en gjennomgang av spedbarns rettigheter i de nordiske velferdsstatene. Professor Marit Skivenes har nylig publisert en artikkel i tidsskriftet Children and Youth Services Review sammen med Anne-Dorthe Hestbæk, Ingrid Höjer og Tarja Pösö. Artikkelen undersøker status for spedbarns rettigheter i Danmark, Finland, Norge og Sverige når de blir plassert utenfor hjemmet. Forfatterne bemerker […]

The Hidden Proceedings

Kenneth Burns, Katrin Kriz, Jenny Krutzinna, Katre Luhamaa, Thomas Meysen, Tarja Pösö, Sagrario Segado, Marit Skivenes & June Thoburn (2019)

European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance.

NEW ARTICLE: Decisions about terminating parental rights to ensure an adoption from care are not accountable, finds new analysis. All European countries provide a legal opportunity to terminate parental rights and place a child for adoption without parents’ consent. The child’s best interests principle is the foundation for these decisions. This principle is immensely difficult […]

Den gode «fiende»: Fra flyktninger til seksuelle minoriteter

Lise Rakner (2019)

Rakner, L. (2019). "Den gode «fiende»: Fra flyktninger til seksuelle minoriteter". Agenda Magasin, 09.04.2019.

Hvorfor kjører Polens nasjonal-konservative regjeringsparti LHBT-motstand som viktigste valgkamptema foran Europaparlamentsvalget i mai? Under slagordet «Ikke rør barna» har regjeringspartiet «Lov og rettferdighetspartiet» (PiS) i Polen kritisert forslaget til seksualundervisning i skolen. Det er utviklet av Verdens Helseorganisasjon (WHO), og godkjent i landets hovedstad, Warszawa. PiS sterke mann, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, har valgt å gjøre LHBT-spørsmål […]

An Ideal Direction? The Nobel Prize to Peter Handke

Anna Gopsill (2019)

Public Anthropologist

Anna Gopsill, PhD candidate, University of London and Communications Assistant, CMI, has recently published a blog “An Ideal Direction? The Nobel Prize to Peter Handke” in the Public Antropologist. The Nobel Prize for Literature 2019 was awarded to the Austrian Peter Handke for “an influential work that with linguistic ingenuity has explored the periphery and […]

Commentary from prof. Marit Skivenes on the Strasbourg Observers: “Child protection and child-centrism – the Grand Chamber case of Strand Lobben and others v. Norway 2019.

Prof. Marit Skivenes (2019)

Norge ble nylig dømt i Den europeiske menneskerettighetsdomstolens storkammer i en sak om omsorgsovertagelse og tvangsadopsjon av et barn. Professor Marit Skivenes har analysert dommen, og sett på hvilke implikasjoner den kan få for barns rettigheter. Kommentaren er publisert i Strasbourg Observer.