Political Fragmentation and Judicial Independence: An empirical study of Unconstitutional Actions in Paraguay 1995-2015

Congratulations to Andrea Castagnola, Anibal Perez Linan and “Desarrollo, Instituto de Capacitacion y Estudios” for the awarded a two-years research fund to study judicial voting in the Supreme Court of Paraguay. Forthcoming publication: Pérez-Liñán, A. and Castagnola, A. 2020. “¿Activismo inocuo? La Justicia Constitucional en la era democrática” in Tres décadas de democratización en Paraguay: […]

Navi Pillay at the Centre on Law and Social Transformation

Navanethem “Navi” Pillay – former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, judge of the International Criminal Court and President of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda – held an exclusive meeting with students at the University of Bergen on Tuesday 22 November 2016. She visited Bergen in relation to the Rafto Conference 2016, and suggested to […]

Launch of new unit on Gender, Sexuality & the Law

The new unit on Gender, Sexuality & the Law at the Centre on Law and Social Transformation was launched on Monday 21 November in Bergen, with an event on International diplomacy and African LGBTI Rights. Why has Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*, and Intersex (LGBTI) rights become central to the West’s human rights agenda in Africa? Does international […]

Love And Lawfare : How Indian Courts Became a Battleground For Queer Rights

Vikram Kollmanskog (2016)

Gaylaxy. Empowering Expressions (11.09.2016)

In India and worldwide many battles for and against LGBT/queer rights are fought out in the courts. This so-called lawfare is a strategy with potential advantages as well as risks. Overall, Indian LGBT/queer activists seem to have been successful. Since the late 1980s, Lawyers Collective had worked with HIV-affected people and NGOs such as Naz […]

New religious/secular configurations: the self-proclaim “pro-life” NGOs and the disputes on sexual politics in Argentina

Defago, María Angélica Peñas, and José Manuel Morán Faúndes (2016)

Religião & Sociedade 35.2 (2015): 340-362.

Although the hierarchy of the Catholic Church and some evangelical churches continue to be the central opposition to sexual and reproductive rights (SRR), in recent decades, various sectors from the civil society have also begun to get politically active with the purpose of resisting the advance of the SRR agenda. Several “pro-life” NGOs are becoming […]

The Strategies of the Self-Proclaimed Pro-Life Groups in Argentina. The Impact of New Religious Actors on Sexual Politics

Faúndes, José Manuel Morán, and María Angélica Peñas Defago (2016)

Latin American Perspectives 43.3 (2016): 144-162.

Over the past few decades political processes recognizing and broadening sexual and reproductive rights have produced a reaction from conservative sectors seeking to block those gains. Although the Catholic Church hierarchy and some Evangelical churches have led the opposition to these rights, various sectors of civil society have begun to foment resistance to pluralist sexual […]