Revisit the Annual Lecture on Indigenous Rights – Can art change the world?

Can art change the world? Ande Somby gave this year’s Annual Lecture on Indigenous Peoples’ Rights speaking on the importance of art for social transformation and for the Sami people’s rights struggles. For the 7th time, LawTransform, in collaboration with Bergen Sámiid Searvi (Bergen Sami Association), organised the Annual Lecture on Indigenous Rights, this year […]

Program – Bergen Exchanges 2023

Constitution, Courts and Politics

Constitution, Courts & Politics is an interdisciplinary Bachelor level course at the University of Bergen exploring how politics shapes constitutions and how constitutions shape politics. It is a collaboration with the Faculty of Law and the Department of Government. The course emphasises innovative learning methods and extensive student inolvement in teaching, and has benefitted greatly from the projects Rethinking Democracy and Law, and Autocratization Dynamics: Innovations in research-based learning. and the partnership with the Rafto Foundation on Human Rights.

Digital Book Salons was an innovation in the 2023 edition of the course. The students read new books on relevant topics written by scholars in the LawTransform network and interviewed them in front of a live audience. It was fun and great learning!

Course leaders for the 2023 course were Marthe Sleire Engedahl (Law), Eirik Holmøyvik (Law), Marit Skivenes (Government and Siri Gloppen (Government)

For the 2024 course, the the course leaders are Eirik Holmøyvik (Law), Mehmet Konar-Steenberg (Law), Marit Skivenes (Government and Siri Gloppen (Government)

Law in Conflict – The Judicialization of Mining Disputes in Peru

Angela Lindt (2023)

Transcript publishing house

Peru’s industrial mining sector is highly conflictual and characterized by social disputes. Many of these conflicts are fought not only in politics but also in the courts, as activists attempt to hold corporate and state actors liable for human rights violations. At the same time, they face an increasing criminalization of their protests. Law is […]

The Right to a Personal Identity

Date/Time: 14:15-15:30, 25th of January 2024
Location: Bergen Global, Jekteviksbakken 31
How has human rights law developed and interpreted the right to a personal identity?

Katie Josephine Aspinall

Research Assistant

International Student, Faculty of Law, University of Bergen - University of Aberdeen

Krigens folkerett forklart

Den internasjonale domstolen i Haag vurderer i disse dager om krigføringen i Gaza gir grunnlag for å tiltale Israel for folkemord – det mest alvorlige bruddet på folkeretten. Krigen mellom Hamas og Israel reiser mange vanskelige spørsmål. Hva sier jussen om krigføring og hvordan forholder soldater og offiserer seg til dette? Hvilke rettigheter og plikter har […]