How to Strangle Civil Society – and to resist?

Time: 10:10-11:10 Across the world we see a clampdown on organizations reporting on human rights, and a much used strategy in the repertoire of coercive measures is to introduce new NGO-legislation tightening the conditions for organizations that are considered political, including restrictions on foreign funding. Cases include Russia, India, Egypt, Angola, Kenya and many other. […]

Contemporary Human Rights Challenges in the USA

Time: 11:20-12:20 Human rights challenges are ample and worsening also in developed democracies, and in the past year, the development in the United States have raised particular concern. In this panel we raise some of the issues that are particularly worrying, ranging from basic civil rights concerns to human rights implications of the profound inequalities […]

Roundtable: Researching Drivers of Violence

Mexico is one of the world’s most violent countries, but the violence is not evenly distributed across the territory (as is also the case in many other countries) the reasons for this is not well understood. In a large research project Karina Ansolabehere and her colleague are investigating the patterns of violence in different Mexican […]

Understanding the Backlash against Democracy in Africa [Bergen Exchanges/EADI Panel]

Time: 09:00-10:00 Many African countries are leading the global charge in clamping down on democracy, adopting legal restrictions on key civil and political rights that form the basis of democratic rule, including freedoms of association, speech, and information; the ability to choose political leaders; rule of law with recourse to independent courts; and rights and […]

Researching law in authoritarian settings

Time: 12:40 – 13:30 While rule of law may be a central feature of democracy, law – and rule by law – is also central in authoritarian states. Most of our thinking about law is focused on democratic societies, as are most methods for doing legal and socio-legal research. To research law and legal institutions’ functioning […]

Kveldsmøte: Slaget om menneskerettighetene

Tankesmien Agenda i samarbeid med CMI og LawTransform inviterer til debatt med politikere og forskere om menneskerettighetene i populismens tidsalder. Menneskerettighetene har de siste årene opplevd mange tilbakeslag. I flere land utgjør høyrepopulismens fremvekst en trussel mot mange menneskers grunnlegende rettigheter. I norsk utenrikspolitikk ser vi en økende tendens til at norske egeninteresser prioriteres foran […]

#FreeStellaNyanzi: Protests, power and sanitary pads in Uganda

Tuesday, 2nd of May, 08:30-10:00 In early April, popular Ugandan academic Dr. Stella Nyanzi was arrested and charged by the Ugandan state. Stella is also a colleague and Research Affiliate of the Centre on Law & Social Transformation.  Her formal charge of was of ‘computer misuse’ and ‘cyber harassment’ because she among other things has […]