Siri Gloppen is Director at the Centre on Law & Social Transformation. Political scientist with a research focus in the intersection between law and politics. Siri Gloppen is Professor of Comparative Politics at the University of Bergen. With a research focus in the intersection between law and politics her work spans: legal mobilization and the role of courts in social transformation, democratization and institutionalization of accountability structures, constitution-making, election processes, human rights, transitional justice and reconciliation. Main empirical focus is southern and eastern Africa.
Malcolm Langford is Co-Director at the Centre on Law & Social Transformation and Senior Researcher at CMI. He is also a Visiting Fellow at Fridtjof Nansen Institute and the Co-Director of Global School on Socio-Economic Rights. He is also former Research Fellow at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights and Director of the Socio-Economic Rights Programme. His recent publications include Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa: Symbols or Substance? (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2014), edited with B. Cousins, J. Dugard and T. Madlingozi.
PhD-course Leaders:
Camila Gianella (MSc, PhD) is a researcher at CMI and a post doctoral fellow at the department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen in the project Sexual and Reproductive Rights (SRR) Lawfare: Global battles over sexual and reproductive rights, driving forces and impacts, Dr. Gianella is also part of the team of two related project: Abortion Rights lawfare in Latin America and International Sexual and Reproductive Rights Lawfare. Gianella has a PhD from the University of Bergen. In her dissertation she analyzed the process of implementation of a structural court decision from the Colombian Constitutional Court which asked for major reforms within the health system. Prior to her PhD from the University of Bergen, Camila worked as researcher and consultant for projects on maternal health, the right to health, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, mental health and transitional justice.
Bruce M. Wilson (Ph.D. Washington University) is Professor of Political Science at the University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida and Associated Senior Researcher at the Chr. Michelsen Institute, Bergen, Norway. His research on Latin American politics and comparative judicial politics has appeared in numerous peer-reviewed journals including Comparative Political Studies, the Journal of Latin American Studies, Comparative Politics, Journal of Politics in Latin America, and the International Journal of Constitutional Law. His books include, Costa Rica: Politics, Economics, and Democracy (1998) and a co-authored book, Courts and Political Power in Latin America and Africa (2010). He is former editor of The Latin Americanist and is currently the co-editor of the Journal of Political Science Education.
Bergen Exchanges Participants:
Marja Hinfelaar is the Director of Research and Programs at the Southern African Institute for Policy and Research ( where, among other activities, she coordinates a PhD affiliation program, the Cornell University Summer School, the Zambia Legal Information Institute ( and leader researcher on various research projects.She has been a resident in Zambia since 1997. Marja Hinfelaar received her PhD in History in 2001 from the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands, where her dissertation focused on the history of women’s organisations in Zimbabwe. She is the co-editor of One Zambia, many Histories. Towards a History of Post-colonial Zambia (Brill, Leiden 2008), Living the End of Empire. Politics and Society in Late Colonial Zambia (Brill, Leiden, 2011), The Objects of Life in Central Africa: The History of Consumption and Social Change, 1840-1980 (Brill, Leiden, 2013). For 10 years, she was the coordinator of digitization projects, based at the National Archives of Zambia. In addition, Marja is a political analyst, having published on the 2008 elections in Zambia in African Affairs and co-editor of a forthcoming book on Zambia’s elections. She is Member of Advisory Board of the Journal of Southern African Studies (JSAS).
Mindy Jane Roseman is Director of the Gruber Program for Global Justice and Women’s Rights, as well as the Director of International Law Programs at Yale Law School. She was the Academic Director of the Human Rights Program and a Lecturer on Law at Harvard Law School. Before joining HRP, Roseman was an Instructor in the Department of Population and International Health at Harvard School of Public Health Roseman researched and reported on a range of health and human rights issues, with special focus on reproductive and sexual rights, including HIV and AIDS, and women’s and children’s rights. Before coming to Harvard she had been a staff attorney with the Center for Reproductive Rights in New York, in charge of its East and Central European program. She also holds a J.D. from Northwestern Law School and a Ph.D. in Modern European History, with a focus on the history of reproductive health, from Columbia University. Her publications include Reproductive Health and Human Rights: The Way Forward (Laura Reichenbach, co-editor),Interrogations, Forced Feedings and the Role of Health Professionals (co-edited with Ryan Goodman, Harvard University Press 2009) and Women of the World (East Central Europe): Laws and Policies Affecting Their Reproductive Lives (CRLP, 2000). A co-authored article “”International human rights and the mistreatment of women during childbirth,” was published in Health and Human Rights, 18(2) (2016). She is currently co-editing a volume “Beyond Virtue and Vice: the Criminalization of Gender, Sexuality and Reproduction in the Age of Human Rights” with Alice Miller (forthcoming 2018 University of Pennsylvania Press).
Thomas M. Keck is the Michael O. Sawyer Chair of Constitutional Law and Politics at Syracuse University’s Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. He received a B.A. in Politics from Oberlin College and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Political Science from Rutgers University. His research focuses on constitutional courts and the use of legal strategies by contemporary political movements on the left and the right. He is the author of The Most Activist Supreme Court in History (2004) and Judicial Politics in Polarized Times (2014), and is currently leading a long-term, collaborative investigation of free speech jurisprudence in democratic and democratizing countries around the globe, funded by the National Science Foundation.
Nicolas van de Walle is the Maxwell M. Upson Professor of Government at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. He taught at Michigan State University from 1990-2004. He was a Non-Resident Fellow at the Center for Global Development from 2001 – 2012, and before that, from 1994-2000 a Fellow at the Overseas Development Council, in Washington DC. He has published widely on democratization issues as well as on the politics of economic reform and on the effectiveness of foreign aid, with a special focus on Sub Saharan Africa. His books include Democratic Trajectories in Africa: Unraveling the Impact of Foreign Aid, (2013, with Danielle Resnick), Overcoming Stagnation in Aid-Dependent Countries (2005), African Economies and The Politics of Permanent Crisis, 1979-1999 (2001), and Democratic Experiments in Africa: Regime Transitions in Comparative Perspectives (1997, with Michael Bratton).
Cath Collins, a political scientist, lives in Chile and in Northern Ireland. She is Professor of Transitional Justice at Ulster University’s Transitional Justice Institute, UK and director of the Transitional Justice Observatory of the Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago de Chile. The Observatory maps current justice, truth and reparations developments in Chile over the Pinochet-era dictatorship and works closely with relatives’ associations and justice system professionals. She is currently working with the Chilean state forensic service and regional actors on National Search Plans for the Disappeared. Cath Collins is a founder member of the Latin American Transitional Justice Network
Ana Cristina González Vélez. Medical doctor, master on social health research and PhD candidate on Bioethics, public health and applied ethics at Fiocruz Foundation, Brasil. Currently, visiting researcher at the Law School in the Basque Country University at San Sebastián. She is a very well known international researcher, advocate and expert in the field of sexual and reproductive health, the right to health and gender equality. Former National Director of Public Health in Colombia, founder of Global Doctor´s for Choice and co-founder of La Mesa por la Vida y la salud de las Mujeres, in the same country.
Patricia Jimenez Rezende is Master (2013-2016) and Bachelor of Social Sciences (2009-2013) from the Federal University of São Paulo. In her master’s degree she had Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel – CAPES (2013-2014) and the Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo – FAPESP (2014-2015) Scholarships. Currently she is part of the research team Repertories of Confrontation and Cycle of Protest of the Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning (CEBRAP) and the research brazilian team Abortion Rights Lawfare in Latin America. She have been working in researches, mainly in the area of political sociology, with emphasis on collective action, social movements, gender and sexuality. email:
Saoyo Tabitha Griffith, LLB (Moi University), Post Graduate Diploma (Kenya School of Law) LLM (University of Pretoria). Ms Saoyo is currently the Deputy Executive Director of the Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network ( Prior to that, she was the Programmes Manager for the Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights Thematic Area. Ms Saoyo is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya and holds a Masters in Law on Human Rights and Democratization in Africa from the University of Pretoria. Professionally, Saoyo has previously engaged in private practice in the firm of Madan-Handa Advocates and has additionally worked at the Ark Foundation, Ghana as part of her Masters Programme. Saoyo has also served as a Programmes Officer for Reproductive Health Rights at the Federation of Women Lawyers-Kenya. Between June 2015 – December 2016, she was the lead Consultant for the UNDP in their project on contextualizing HIV and the Linkages to sexual and gender based violence. In her spare time, she enjoys teaching and has previously been an adjunct lecturer at Kenyatta University, School of Law and Riara University School of Law. Her email address is
Daniel Brinks (PhD, Political Science, Notre Dame University; JD, Michigan Law) teaches Government and Law, and co-directs the Rapoport Center for Human Rights, at the University of Texas at Austin. His research examines the role of law and courts in structuring governance and democracy, primarily in Latin America. He has published in the International Journal of Constitutional Law, Perspectives on Politics, Comparative Politics, and the Texas Law Review. He has authored and edited books on the judicial response to police violence, the enforcement of social and economic rights, and the varied experiences of democratic regimes in Latin America. His current book, “The DNA of Constitutional Justice in Latin America: Politics, Governance and Judicial Design” (with Abby Blass), is forthcoming from Cambridge University Press.
Rashida Manjoo is a Professor in the Department of Public Law, University of Cape Town, South Africa. She was the convenor of the Human Rights Program in the LawFaculty where she teaches, supervises and advises students. She also held the position of United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, its Causes and Consequences from 2009 to 2015. Prof Manjoo has over three decades of experience in social justice and human rights work both in South Africa and abroad. Her research interests include human rights broadly with a particular focus on women’s human rights. She has authored a number of journal articles, book chapters and reports on women’s human rights, violence against women, transitional justice, and also the impact for women of the recognition of Muslim Personal Laws in South Africa.
Gro Lindstad is the Executive Director of FOKUS – Forum for Women and Development, a job she has had since 2011. Prior to that, she was Chief of Intergovernmental Relations at UNIFEM HQ in New York. Gro has 8 years experience as a Political Adviser in the Norwegian Parliament, working on all issues connected to gender, equal rights and women’s rights before taking on responsibility for defense and security, foreign policy and development issues. She has also worked as Country Director for the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) in Croatia and BiH, Gro has documented qualifications as an experienced Political Adviser and Lobbyist, both through more than 35 years of NGO activities with results connected to national authorities and politicians, and through her job as a political adviser. She studied law at the University of Oslo and holds a master in international human rights.
Ankit Bhatia is currently a Research Associate at the Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi. Since 2015, he has been working with CPR Land Rights Initiative, where he has contributed to research on land acquisition, the political economy of land and property rights in the tribal areas, and the creation of a comprehensive database of land legislations in the Indian context. His broad areas of research interest include the political economy around exploitation of natural resources and micro-structures of land markets. He is particularly interested in the comparative assessment of the flow of public and private finance surrounding the exploitation of natural resources. Ankit holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Economics from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India. He is an affiliated researcher with the Department of Economics at the Institute. He was awarded the best Master’s dissertation award for his theoretical work on the strategic behavior of firms to oppose granting of patents. In the past, Ankit was a Consultant at National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi and as a research intern at NITI Aayog (erstwhile Planning Commission), Government of India, and Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi.
Elin Skaar is a Senior Researcher at the Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI), where she heads the research cluster on Rights and Legal Institutions and is Coordinator for the Transitional justice Unit. Her research interests lie in the intersection between law and politics and focus on human rights, transitional justice, and judicial reform. Recent publications include Transitional Justice in Latin America: The Uneven Road from Impunity towards Accountability (Routledge 2016, co-edited) and After Violence: Transitional Justice, Peace, and Democracy (Routledge 2015, co-authored). Skaar holds a PhD in political science from the University of California, Los Angeles.
Jackie Dugard – BA (Hons) (Wits), MPhil (Cantab), PhD (Cantab), LLM (Essex), LLB (Wits) – is an associate professor at the School of Law, University of the Witwatersrand, where she lectures Property Law and Jurisprudence. With abackground in social sciences and law, Jackie is a human rights activist and scholar, and has published widely on the role of law and courts in social change, as well as on socio-economic rights, access to courts, protest and social movements. Jackie has recently co-edited, with Malcolm Langford, Ben Cousins and Tshepo Madlingozi, the book Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa: Symbols or Substance? (2016, Cambridge University Press). She is on the editorial committee of the South African Journal on Human Rights (SAJHR). Jackie was a co-founder and the first executive director of the Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa (SERI), where she is currently Chairperson of the Board.
Irene Maffi is Professor of social anthropology at theUniversity ofLausanne, Switzerland. She has carried out ethnographic research in Jordan, Switzerland and Tunisia. Her research interests focus on childbirth, breastfeeding, medical technologies, medical and paramedical professions, contraception, abortion and conceptions of the female body.
Juan Marco Vaggione: Ph.D. in Sociology, New School for Social Research andDoctorate in Law and Social Sciences, National University of Cordoba.Independent Researcher of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET-Argentina). Professor of Sociology of Law at the NationalUniversity of Córdoba. His publications deal with sexual rights and the relation between religion and sexual politics in Latin America.
Inga Winkler is a lecturer at the Institute for the Study of Human Rights at Columbia University. Her research agenda isheld together by her interest in socio-economic rights, development, gender, social justice and substantive equality. Current research projects focus on the SDGs and human rights, the UN Special Procedures, menstrual health and wellbeing, and the human right to sanitation. Inga is the Director of Undergraduate Studies for the Human Rights Program and teaches several human rights courses. Previously, she was in residence as a visiting scholar at the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice at NYU, at Stellenbosch (South Africa) and at Berkeley, and she was the Legal Adviser to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation. Inga holds a German law degree and a doctorate in public international law (summa cum laude). Her thesis focused on the human right to water and its implications for water allocation.
Paola Bergallo is a Law Professor at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella in Argentina. Her work focuses on the right to health, gender, and law and society. She was an advisor to the Ministry of Health, the Gender Offices of the federal and the local courts, and several civil society organizations. Prof. Bergallo has conducted research and directed projects of the Ford Foundation, the Nordic Trust Fund of the World Bank, the Panamerican Health Organization, and the UNFPA. She has published extensively on reproductive rights, health and courts. Prof. Bergallo holds an LLB from the University of Buenos Aires, and a master and doctorate in law from Stanford Law School. She is a fellow of LawTransform.
Vibeke Wang is a researcher at Chr. Michelsen Institute whose work focuses on politics and gender. She holds a PhD in comparative politics from the University of Bergen, Norway. Her research on representation, electoral gender quotas, rights mobilisation, legislative institutions, and gender quotas in Sub-Saharan Africa has appeared in peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes. She is the co-editor of a special issue on the relationship between democratization and quota policies in Africa (Women’s Studies International Forum 2013), and has conducted field studies in Cape Verde, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. She is currently working on two projects funded by the Norwegian Research Council. The projects explore issues of women’s political representation, including gendered electoral financing schemes, quota incentive mechanisms, and gendered law reform. Wang uses both quantitative and qualitative methods in her work.
Leonardo R. Arriola is Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for African Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. His research focuses on democratization and political violence in developing countries. He has conducted field research in Cameroon, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Senegal, and Zambia. His work has been published in journals such as the American Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, and World Politics. Ariola is author of Multiethnic Coalitions in Africa: Business Financing of Opposition Election Campaigns (Cambridge University Press), which received a best book award from the African Politics section of the American Political Science Association (APSA) in 2013 and an honorable mention for the Gregory Luebbert Prize for best book from APSA’s Comparative Politics section in 2014. Arriola has previously been a national fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, a visiting scholar at the Kellogg Institute for International Studies at Notre Dame University, a Fulbright scholar at the Institute of Ethiopian Studies at Addis Ababa University, and a visiting researcher at the West African Research Center in Dakar, Senegal. He currently serves on the editorial boards of African Affairs, Comparative Politics, and Comparative Political Studies.
Richard Faustine Sambaiga (PhD) is a social anthropologist working as a Lectuerer in Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. Sambaiga has strong research interests in social transformation, sexual and reproductive health, environmental and natural resource use, security, and governance. In his research Sambaiga has a sharp focus on adolescents and young people in general. He has researched and published in the area of adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Tanzania. Sambaiga has been the Principal investigator and co-investigator in both national and international research projects focusing youth vulnerability, resilience and agency. Sambaiga is currently a Postdoctoral researcher under the project entitled ‘Competing discourses impacting girl’s and women’s rights: Fertility control in Ethiopia, Zambia and Tanzania’ (SAFEZT), funded by the Research Council of Norway.
Ragnhild L. Muriaas is Professor in Political Science at the University of Bergen and an Associated Senior Researcher at Chr. Michelsen Institute. Her key research interest is explaining variation in the inclusionary aspects of African regimes. She has led international research projects and published extensively on topics related to political decentralisation, traditional authorities, and women’s representation in Cape Verde, Malawi, Uganda, South Africa, and Zambia.
Onur Bakiner is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Seattle University. His research and teaching interests includetransitional justice, human rights and judicial politics, particularly in Latin America and the Middle East. His book Truth Commissions: Memory, Power, and Legitimacy was published by the University of Pennsylvania Press in 2016. Currently he has been working on a research project examining judicial actors during prolonged internal conflict in Colombia and Turkey. His past research investigates the role truth commissions play in contemporary societies. For this research he conducted interviews with political decision-makers, NGO activists, intellectuals, victims of political violence and their relatives in Chile and Peru. His articles have been published in the Journal of Law and Courts, the International Journal of Transitional Justice, Memory Studies, and Nationalities Papers.
Isabel Cristina Jaramillo Sierra, Full Professor, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá. Professor Jaramillo Sierra holds a lawyer degree from Universidad de los Andes (Cum Laude, 1997) and an SJD from Harvard Law School (LLM waived, 2000, 2007). Her academic work has centered on the question of feminist legal reform: how is it imagined; how is it pursued; how may we think about what is gained and lost in reform. Her books on the reform of abortion law (with Tatiana Alfonso, Mujeres, Cortes y Medios, Bogotá, Universidad de los Andes, 2008) and the evolution of family law (Derecho y Familia en Colombia. Historias de Raza, Sexo y Propiedad, 1580-1990, Bogotá, Universidad de los Andes, 2013) are recognized as critical contributions to the field in Latin America. She has also been consultant to the Colombian government on issues of sexual and reproductive rights, and institutional reform for the transition. She is currently AD HOC Justice to the Colombian Constitutional Court and the State Council. She was nominated in 2017 to the Colombian Constitutional Court by President Juan Manuel Santos.
Douglas A. Johnson is the Director of the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy and a lecturer in public policy at the Harvard Kennedy School. He has been a committed advocate of human rights since the 1970s, when he led the Infant Formula Action Coalition (INFACT), and launched a successful boycott against the world’s largest food corporation, Nestle, to force it to change its marketing practices. Mr. Johnson led the Center for the Victims of Torture from 1988 until 2012. During his tenure, the Center provided services to more than 23,000 torture survivors. He served as the American member of the OSCE Experts Panel on the Prevention of Torture. Johnson conceived and developed the New Tactics in Human Rights Project while at CVT. He joined the Kennedy School in 2013 and teaches courses on strategizing for human rights, nonviolent organizing, and the costs and consequences of the US torture policy.
Torunn Wimpelmann is a researcher at CMI and Steering committee member at LawTransform. She holds a BA in Development Studies and Politics ( SOAS), an MA in Conflict, Security and Development ( Kings College London) and a PhD in Development Studies ( SOAS). Her main research interests are gender politics and legal reform in Afghanistan. She is the author of The Pitfalls of Protection. Gender, Violence and Power in Afghanistan ( University of California Press, 2017) and has published in Central Asian Survey, Women’s Studies International Forum and Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly and with Routledge and Oxford University Press. Wimpelmann is currently co-directing a three year research project on masculinities and marriage practices in Afghanistan with Dr Aziz Hakimi. She also has worked on numerous aid evaluations and policy assignments and has several years of field experience from Afghanistan. Between 2014 and 2016 she served as a member of the government-appointed Commission of Inquiry into Norway’s engagement in Afghanistan.
Monica Kirya is a Senior Program Advisor at the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, Chr. Michelsen Institute, where she coordinates the theme on mainstreaming anti-corruption in sectors, particularly health and education. She is a member of the Uganda Women Lawyers’ Association (FIDA-Uganda) and has been involved in research and technical assistance on redressing sexual and gender-based violence for the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region of Africa Regional Training Facility. Monica holds a Law degree from Makerere University Uganda and a Masters and PhD in Law from the University of Warwick, UK.
Elin Skaar is a Senior Researcher at the Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI), where she heads the research cluster on Rights and Legal Institutions and is Coordinator for the Transitional justice Unit. Her research interests lie in the intersection between law and politics and focus on human rights, transitional justice, and judicial reform. Recent publications include Transitional Justice in Latin America: The Uneven Road from Impunity towards Accountability (Routledge 2016, co-edited) and After Violence: Transitional Justice, Peace, and Democracy (Routledge 2015, co-authored). Skaar holds a PhD in political science from the University of California, Los Angeles.
Alan Msosa is a PhD Candidate at the University of Essex Human Rights Centre in the United Kingdom. He is also a research Affiliate at the University of Bergen Centreon Law and Social Transformation. Alan’s research focuses on societal and institutional factors obstacles to the protection of human rights based on sexual orientation and gender identity in Malawi. He holds a Master degree in theory and practice of human rights from the University of Essex Human Rights Centre. He has previous national and international experience in areas of democracy and elections, human rights, gender, and HIV and AIDS.
Karina Ansolabehere is a researcher in the Intitut of Legal Research of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, and part time researcher and professor in FLACSO-Mexico. Her areas of interest are: judicial politics, human rights, legal movilization and political theory. She is sociologist by the University of Buenos Aires and PHD in Social Sciences Research by FLACSO-Mexico and member of the National Researchers System of Mexico. Ansolabehere´s main publicashions are: 2016 (Ed )with Francisco Valdés and Luis Daniel Vázquez Los derechos humanos en América Latina. Entre el Pesimismo y la Esperanza, 2016 (Ed). With Sandra Serrano and Luis Daniel Vázquez) Los derechos Humanos y la violencia, La política desde la justicia. Cortes Supremas Gobierno y Democracia en Argentina y México(2007), (2010) “More power more rigths? The Supreme Court and Society in Mexico”en Huneeus, A: Couso, J; Sieder, R (coord) Legal Cultures and political activism in Latin America, Cambridge University Press. She is finishing a book on the impact of the human rights litigation on the organization of the judiciaries. Now she is working in the development of the Observatory on Disappearances and Impunity in Mexico, with the Human Rights Program of the University of Minnesota and the University of Oxford
Atina Krajewska is a Senior Lecturer at the Sheffield Law School, where she teaches medical law and ethics, tort law, and global health law. She holds degrees from Poland, Germany, and the UK. In her research she focuses on the developments of human rights law in the area of health and biomedicine. Underpinning her research is the attempt to investigate the question of how international community should manage health challenges and scientific progress. Her current research includes three main strands. The first strand is a continuation of her research in the area of privacy and data protection law in Europe in the context of genetic and genomic science. The second strand extends her studies into the field of reproductive rights, in which she is currently working on a project on the access of single persons to fertility treatment. The third strand of her research focuses on the formation of Global Health Law as a rising system of transnational law. It elaborates on increasingly prominent debates regarding post-traditional patterns of constitutional organization and global justice and bears diversely on distinct legal spheres of medical and public health law, public international law, and the sociology of law.
Erlend Paasche (,
Maja Janmyr is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Faculty of Law, University of Bergen. She is currently (2015-2019) working on a postdoctoral research project funded by the Norwegian Research Council, focusing on refugee rights in the context of Syrian displacement in the Middle East. She is also conducting research on rights mobilization among Nubians in Egypt. Janmyr’s previous research concerns readmission agreements and forced return in the broader context of EU migration policies. Her PhD research focused on the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ (UNHCR) human rights responsibilities in refugee camps. She is author of the book Protecting Civilians in Refugee Camps: Unwilling and Unable States, UNHCR and International Responsibility (2014, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers/Brill). Janmyr is currently a Visiting Scholar at the American University of Beirut. She has been a visiting researcher at the American University in Cairo, the Swedish College of Defence and at Makerere University in Kampala. Maja has held previous assignments with the Swedish Red Cross and is currently a Member of the Rafto Foundation for Human Rights’ Prize Committee. In 2014, she was awarded the Meltzer Young Researcher Award for outstanding scientific achievements.
Kenneth Burns is a college lecturer and Deputy Director of the Master of Social Work course at University College Cork, Ireland. He has worked as a social worker and social work team leader in child protection and welfare and continues to support practice in this area. Kenneth is the Principal Investigator for an inter-disciplinary research group on child care proceedings, a longitudinal study on social workers’ retention in child protection and joint coordinator on a five-country European Commission Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers action grant on children’s rights and child welfare. With Marit Skivenes (Norway) and Tarja Pöso (Finland), Kenneth is a founding member and coordinator of a European network of academics and researchers examining child protection removals (court, emergency and voluntary care) and the co-editor of a major cross-country analysis of this research theme published by Oxford University Press in 2017. Kenneth is a joint institutional Principal Investigator on a European Commission Horizon 2020 study on Responsible Research and Innovation called EnRRICH (2015-2017) and has been involved in community-based research with students and civil society organisations since 2007. Kenneth was twice awarded the President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching and is the Principal Investigator for a research group that was awarded the University College Cork Research Team of the Year Award.
May-Len Skilbrei is professor at the Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law at the University of Oslo. Skilbrei is the head of the ongoing research project Transnationalism from above and below: Migration management and how migrants manage (MIGMA) funded by the Research Council of Norway. She has published broadly in issues such as prostitution, gender and migration, and is particularly interested in the relationship between attempts to control these phenomena, including through law, and the experiences of individuals involved. Her most recent publication, together with Synnøve Jahnsen (Rokkansenteret) in the British Journal of Criminology, deals with how criminal law and immigration law are combined in efforts to control transnational prostitution.
Sergi Vidal Parra is a PhD student in Human Rights at the University of Deusto (Spain) researching on the challenges that the expansion of hydroelectric projects in southern Chile poses for an equitable and sustainable water governance, the achievement of water justice and the protection of Mapuche people’s rights. This research expects to understand under which circumstances the judicialisation of water conflicts becomes a powerful tool for indigenous peoples. Earned a History Degree and the Diploma of Advanced Studies in “Today’s World” from the University of Barcelona, and the European Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Democratization from the EIUC. Also completed first course of the Law Degree from the Pompeu Fabra University and worked for the OHCHR in Santiago de Chile and Moscow. With a particular focus on indigenous peoples’ rights in Latin America, my research interests span water and climate change governance, water justice, development policies, legal pluralism, collective action and constitutional jurisprudence.
María Angélica Peñas Defago. PhD in Law and Social Sciences, National University of Córdoba, Argentina (UNC). Professor in Sociology of Law and researcher of the Sexual and Reproductive Rights Program in the School of Law and Social Sciences, UNC.
Thuto Moratuoa Maqutu is the LLM/MPhil sexual and reproductive rights Project coordinator and a special Projects coordinator at the Centre for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria. She is a human right activist; she works towards human rights education in Africa, a greater awareness of human rights and the improvement of the rights of women, sexual minorities and other disadvantaged or marginalised persons or groups. Her area of research include sexual and reproductive rights with the special focus on maternal mortality, abortion and African Philosophy.
Frans Viljoen (MA, LLB, LLD (Pretoria); LLM (Cambridge)) is Director of the Centre for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria. He is also the academic co-ordinator of the LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa), presented by the Centre, in collaboration with eleven partner law faculties across Africa. Frans has taught on the African and other regional human rights systems on numerous Master’s programmes, including at the University of Peace, Costa Rica and the University of Oxford. He has published numerous articles dealing with international human rights law, and the book International human rights law in Africa (Oxford University Press, 2007). He is editor-in-chief of the African Human Rights Law Journal and co-editor of the English and French versions of the African Human Rights Law Reports. He has further acted as consultant to the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Organization of African Unity/African Union. The University of Pretoria has acknowledged him as an exceptional achiever, and the South African National Research Foundation recognised as an internationally recognised researcher.
Schimon Grossmann. Norges handelshøyskole (NHH) Bergen, Norway. After having obtained a bachelor’s degree in biology (Tel Aviv University) and a master’s in coastal and marine resource management (University of Akureyri), I am now examining the role of marketbased policy instruments in environmental protection and sustainable development. More specifically, I am investigating policies that promote (directly or indirectly) environmentally responsible behavior by providing financial incentives (e.g., subsidized environmental liability insurance policies). Originally from the Eastern Mediterranean, I have now lived on the shores of the North Atlantic for two and a half years, half of this period spent in two EFTA countries bordering the Arctic: Iceland and Norway. EU Directives hold, to some degree, for both countries, including such legislation as the Environmental Liability Directive (2004/35/EC), the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC), and the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC). The implications and applications of those EU Directives reverberate throughout the primary (e.g., fishing and aquaculture), secondary (e.g., seafood processing and shipbuilding), and tertiary (e.g., insurance companies and tourism operators) sectors of the economy. In turn, industries benefiting from natural resources, yet stifled by environmental legislation, must look for innovative solutions: Upgrading their technological infrastructure, upskilling their staff, or looking for financial protection against potential hazards arising from such economic activities as offshore oil drilling in the Arctic.
H. E. Judge Sir Howard Morrison. Judge Morrison sits as one of the 5 Appeals Judges at the International Criminal Court, and is President of the Appeals Division 2017-2018. Educated in schools in the UK and what was then West Germany he read law at London University and, following voluntary service in Africa, was called to the UK Bar by Grays Inn in 1977. He is a Master of the Bench of Grays Inn (where he is also a senior advocacy trainer), an Honorary Professor of Law at Leicester University and a Doctor of Laws of that University, a Senior Fellow of the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law at Cambridge University and lectures extensively on matters of international criminal and humanitarian law at universities and academic forums worldwide. He is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. In 2015 he was appointed KCMG by HM Queen Elizabeth for services to the international rule of law.
Satang Nabaneh is a Gambian researcher and consultant. She is currently undertaking doctoral studies (LL.D) at the Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria, focusing on the political determinants of sexual and reproductive health in Africa. She holds a Master of Laws (LLM) in Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa, and Bachelor of Laws LL.B (Hons) from University of The Gambia. Currently, Satang is the Gambian Country Reporter for the ‘Constitutions of the Countries of the World’ published by the Oxford University Press and the Faculty of Law at the University of Pretoria. Satang has published book chapters and academic journal articles. Her research interests include: international human rights law, women and children’s rights, comparative constitutional law and rule of law. Satang also has extensive experience in the non-profit sector as a frontline advocate for women and children’s rights; cumulatively, this experience has motivated her to undertake research that centers the needs of those often left at the peripheries of policy formulation.