PhD Candidate in bioethics, public health and applied ethics at Fiocruz Foundation, Brasil
Ana Cristina González Vélez is a known international researcher; advocate and expert in the field of sexual and reproductive health and the right to health and gender equality.
By profession, González Vélez is a medical doctor. She holds a master in social health research and is currently a PhD candidate in bioethics, public health and applied ethics at Fiocruz Foundation, Brasil. During 2017, she was a visiting researcher at the Law School in the Basque Country University at San Sebastian and also an embedded practitioner at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts. ECLAC, UNFPA.
She has consulted extensively with international organizations, like PAHO. Further she founded the Global Doctor´s for Choice and co-founded La Mesa por la Vida y la salud de las Mujeres, in the same country, and worked as the National Director of Public Health in Colombia.
Recent publications:
- Legal Knowledge as a Tool for Social Change: La Mesa por la Vida y la Salud de las Mujeres as an Expert on Colombian Abortion Law. Ana Cristina González Vélez and Isabel Cristina Jaramillo. Health and Human Rights Journal. Published in June 2017.
- Report of the II Regional Seminar on conscientious objection: Institutional Conscientious Objection? Its Impact in the provision of legal abortion services. Co-author with Carolina Melo. Published by La Mesa por la Vida y la Salud de las Mujeres. 2017. ((Original Title in Spanish: Objeción de conciencia institucional? Impacto en la prestación de servicios de interrupción voluntaria del embarazo. Memoria del II Seminario Regional sobre Objeción de Conciencia).
- González Vélez, Ana C; Castro, Laura. Barriers to access to legal abortion services in Colombia (Barreras de acceso a la Interrupción Voluntaria del Embarazo de las mujeres en Colombia). Edited by La Mesa por la Vida y la Salud de las Mujeres. 2016. (Original Title in Spanish: Barreras de acceso a la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo en Colombia).
- González Vélez, Ana C; Diniz, Simone. Inequality, Zika epidemics, and the lack of reproductive rights in Latin America. Reproductive Health Matters. November, 2016. http://dx.doi.
org/10.1016/j.rhm.2016.11.008 - González Vélez, Ana C. Comment on the article by Baum et al. THEMATIC SECTION: ZIKA AND PREGNANCY. Cad. Saúde Pública vol.32 no.5 Rio de Janeiro 2016 Epub June 03, 2016.
- The Implementation of legal abortion in Colombia. 10 years deepening democracy. Published in El Espectador in digital format (National Newspaper) (Original Title in Spanish: Las causales de la Ley y la causa de las mujeres. La implementación el aborto legal en Colombia. 10 años profundizando la democracia. Separata publicada en el Espectador y documento divulgado en formato digital. Bogotá, Mayo de 2016. Mesa por la Vida y la Salud de las Mujeres.
- (Co-author). Harris, L. F., Awoonor-Williams, J. K., Gerdts, C., Urbano, L. G., Vélez, A. C. G., Halpern, J., Prata, N., Baffoe, P. (2016). Development of a Conceptual Model and Survey Instrument to Measure Conscientious Objection to Abortion Provision. PLOS ONE, 11(10), e0164368. https:/
/doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone. 0164368. - Stigma in abortion service provision: Characteristics and Consequences. Vivas, M; Valencia, S; González Vélez, Ana C. Edited by Global Doctors for Choise, Colombia. (Original Title in Spanish: El estigma en la prestación de servicios de aborto: Características y consecuencias. Hacia la protección de los profesionales de la salud) Access in: https://
globaldoctorsforchoice.org/es/ recursos/gdc-colombia- publicaciones/. - Case Study in Colombia. Abortion regulations to advance ICPD Program of Action. With Bohórquez. Revista Sur. Edição V. 10 – N. 19 – Dez/2013. (Original Title in Spanish: Estudio de caso sobre Colombia: Estándares sobre aborto para avanzar en la agenda del Programa de Acción del Cairo).
- Legal abortion in cases of rape: health and legal approach. With Paola Bergallo. Edited by La Mesa por la Vida y la Salud de las Mujeres. Bogota. 2012. (Original Title in Spanish: Interrupción Legal del Embarazo por la Causal Violación: Enfoques de salud y jurídico).
- “The Health Exception: a Mean for Expanding Access to Legal Abortion”. In Reproductive Health Matters 2012. 20 (40), 1-8.