Catalina Vallejo Piedrahíta

Global Fellow

Postdoctoral fellow at UiB

Catalina Vallejo is a postdoc researcher at the University of Bergen, Faculty of Law, where she is working on the postdoctoral project Polycentric climate governance in action: study of the interaction between Norwegian and Amazonian agricultural policy for climate change, as a member of the interdisciplinary research project “Causes and Consequences of the Legal Architecture of Climate Politics” (LEG-ARCH), with funding from the University of Bergen, a collaborative project between the Faculty of Law and the Department of Comparative Politics, Social Science Faculty, both UIB.

She is a lawyer from Colombia, holds an MA in Peace Studies, and a Ph.D. in Law. In her doctoral dissertation, she studied climate change litigation against governments of the world and the emerging climate jurisprudence. She is affiliated as a researcher to the Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana-UNAULA, in Medellin, Colombia, and to the Peace and Conflict Unit of the University of Innsbruck, in Austria.