John-Andrew McNeish


Associated Senior Researcher, Norwegian University of Life Sciences

Social anthropologist focusing on human and indigenous rights, development policy regimes and natural resource management, with a particular focus on Latin America. His recent research and publications are concerned with the linkages between poverty and violence (with particular focus on Guatemala and Bolivia), the politics of natural resources and critique of multi-culturalism. McNeish has extensive experience in research, education and consultancy. He is currently project leader for two international research projects (on the social politics of the oil and gas industry, and on gender and legal pluralism) funded by the Norwegian Research Council. McNeish has carried out international evaluation and consultancy work for a number of employers including Norad, Danida and the World Bank. His teaching experience includes the supervision and teaching of Bachelors, Masters and PhD levels courses at the University of Bergen, The Faculty of Latin American Social Sciences (FLACSO) Guatemala and Kulturstudiet. McNeish was a part-time Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Bergen until January 2009. His experience as an administrator includes the coordination of the ISSC Comparative Research Programme on Poverty (CROP) in Latin America, and management of the Bachelors in Latin American Studies together with other colleagues at the University of Bergen.



Poverty Reduction and Gender Justice in Contexts of Complex Legal Pluralism
2009 - 2011