Researcher, FGV São Paulo Law School
Karina is currently a researcher at FGV São Paulo Law School and came as guest researcher to the Centre on Law and Social Transformation in February 2023 with a grant from the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – Brazil (CAPES-PrInt). Her research in LawTransform was part of the FGV Project “Law in the Digital Era” and is entitled “Disasters as Critical Junctures for Judicial Innovation”. She holds a master’s degree in Law from the University of São Paulo, and a PhD in Law from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, where she was awarded a scholarship for a visiting research period at the Kellogg Institute for International Studies at the University of Notre Dame.
She is a fully qualified Brazilian lawyer and a legal associate at Pogust Goodhead, a global law firm focused on human rights litigation and providing access to justice for the victims of wrongdoing by big corporations, as well as a lecturer and speaker in human rights, comparative constitutional law and disaster law fields. She is a member professor at the Justice and Constitution Center and at the Study and Extension Group “Access to Justice and Disasters” (FGV São Paulo Law School). She is a former Lecturer at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Law School and received a scholarship for the development of studies on gender equality in the judiciary – Oxford/AJUFE Women.
Recent publications:
MATTOS, K D.G., BALBI, G. KIRSZTAJN, L. M. (2022) A Resposta de Cortes Constitucionais Latino-Americanas à Covid-19: estudo comparado das experiências do Brasil e do México. Revista De Estudos Empíricos Em Direito, 9, 1–35.
MATTOS, K. D. G.; Dantas, F. L. A. ; Vasconcelos, V. J. G. (2022) Estimulando ‘Super Juízes’: a relação entre desenho institucional e comportamento judicial na América Latina. OPINION JURIDICA, v. 20, p. 509-530.
MATTOS, K. D. G. (2021) Compliance judicial: por que e como aferir a efetividade de decisões estruturais. 1. ed. Belo Horizonte: Fórum, v. 1. 329p
MATTOS, K. D. G.. (2021) ‘We the prosecutors’: Challenges to social participation in Brazilian public law litigation. ICON-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, v. 1, p. 1-18.
MATTOS, K. D. G.; MACHADO, M. S. (2021) GENDERING DISASTERS: PRIORITIZING AND EXPANDING WOMEN?S VOICE ON DISASTER MANAGEMENT IN BRAZIL. In: Mônica Sapucaia Machado; Denise Almeida de Andrade; Chiquita Howard-Bostic. (Org.). Women’s Rights, International Studies on Gender: Crisis and Pandemic Effects – Issue 3. 1ed.Erechim: Deviant, v. 1, p. 115-134.
MATTOS, K. D. G.; VALLE, V. R. L. . (2021) Da efetividade decisória à transformação social: o investimento institucional em coordenação, monitoramento e transparência como peça-chave para a modernização da prestação jurisdicional. REVISTA DA FACULDADE DE DIREITO DA UFPR, v. 66, p. 185-212.
MATTOS, K. D. G.; MOURA, L. A. A. ; BALBI, G. (2021) O Observatório Nacional e a Cooperação entre Conselhos Judiciais e Ministeriais no Brasil. REVISTA ESTUDOS INSTITUCIONAIS, v. 7, p. 1033-1059.