Katrin Kriz

Global Fellow

Professor, Emmmanuel College, Boston, USA


Katrin Križ is a Professor of Sociology at Emmanuel College in Boston. Katrin’s research interests lie in the areas of child welfare and poverty alleviation. Much of her research is comparative/international. She has always been intrigued by the question how states interact with disadvantaged populations in law, policy and practice. She has written the book Protecting Children, Creating Citizens (2020) on participatory child protection practice, and co-edited the book Child welfare systems and migrant children (Oxford University Press, 2015) and is currently working on a book manuscript on children’s participation in child protection processes (with Marit Skivenes). She has also published on education for the children of immigrant migrant farmworkers in the United States and the impact of the Earned Income Tax Credit on the lives of low-income families in the United States.
