Maja Janmyr


Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo

Maja Janmyr is Professor of International Migration Law at the Norwegian Center for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo. Her current research focuses on refugee rights in the context of Syrian displacement in the Middle East. She is also conducting research on rights mobilization among Nubians in Egypt.

Janmyr’s previous research concerns readmission agreements and forced return in the broader context of EU migration policies. Her PhD research focused on the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ (UNHCR) human rights responsibilities in refugee camps. She is author of the book Protecting Civilians in Refugee Camps: Unwilling and Unable States, UNHCR and International Responsibility (2014, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers/Brill).

Janmyr has been a Visiting Scholar at the American University of Beirut, the American University in Cairo, the Swedish College of Defence in Stockholm and at Makerere University in Kampala.

She is also a member of the Young Academy of Norway (Akademiet for yngre forskere) and has previously been a member of the Rafto Foundation for Human Rights’ Prize Committee. In 2014, she was awarded the Meltzer Young Researcher Award for outstanding scientific achievements.

