Marta Rodriguez de Assis Machado


Professor, Getulio Vargas Foundation Law School, Sao Paulo


Marta Rodriguez de Assis Machado is Minister for Drug Policy in Brazil  since 2022 – and  since 2007 full time professor at Getulio Vargas Foundation Law School in Sao Paulo.

Marta Machado was previously  Associate Dean for Academic Master and PhD programs and a researcher at the Center of Democracy and Law of Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning. Her research is located in the inter-disciplinary field of law, political science and legal-sociology and focuses on the relations between social movements and law; and on the ambiguous role criminal law plays between recognition and repression.

She has developed research on the performance of Brazilian courts in the enforcement of the anti-racism legislation; the functioning of the criminal justice system in violations of human rights through the case study on the Carandiru Massacre; the Brazilian feminist movement and the campaign for passing legislation on gender violence; and on the battles over abortion regulations in Brazil in different state arenas. She hold a Master (2004) and PhD (2007) in Philosophy and Theory of Law at University of Sao Paulo



Abortion Rights Lawfare in Latin America
2014 – 2017