Nefissa Naguib


Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Oslo

Social anthropologist whose main focus lies in the cross-section between culture, history and politics. She is the author of several books and articles on culture and the moral economy of food and water; gender and religious minorities; faith-based activism; humanitarianism and military efforts.
Geographically, her research has focused mainly on the Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean. In addition she has short fieldwork experience from India and Southern Europe. She is currently heading a new research project in Brazil.
Nefissa Naguib has participated in projects commissioned by The International Red Cross, The Agh Khan foundation, UNICEF, and UNESCO.
She is Professor II at the Institute for Social Anthropology at the University of Bergen, associate editor of Journal of Middle Eastern Women”s Studies, member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Middle East Studies and Gazeto Internacia De Antropologio (GIA).
Her most recent books are Movements of people in Time and Space, co-edited with Bert de Vries, Bergen: Bric 2010, 2009 Food and Foodways in the Middle East. Birzeit: Birzeit Publication (2009) Water, Women and Memory: Recasting Lives in Palestine. Leiden: Brill (2009) (2010) Published also with American University of Cairo Press in agreement with Brill) Interpreting welfare and relief in the Middle East. Leiden: Brill (2008). Nefissa is also the co-producer of the Al-Jazeera nominated documentary
