Project team participates in workshop on popular uprisings
The Breaking BAD project team was invited to participate in a project workshop of a newly launched project on civil resistance and democratization, titled ‘Securing the Victory? Understanding Dynamics of Short-run and Long-term Success in Popular Uprisings and Democratization’.
This project seeks to understand why some non-violent uprisings help foster democratization while others do not. The project is based at PRIO and funded by the Norwegian Research Council. This first workshop in the project convened in Trondheim, 22-23 November, and gathered researchers from different institutions, such as the NTNU, King’s College London, the University of Bergen, the University of Essex, and the University of Oslo.
Topics discussed during the workshops were participation in civil resistance, success and regime breakdown, and democratization after civil resistance. The workshop also included two doctoral sessions, where young researchers presented their burgeoning work on civil campaigns and resistance