Mindful Justice: Aligning Police Practices and State Accountability

Collaborators: Center for Legal Resources (Romania), Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (Norway), LawTransform (Norway)

The project aims to research and compare legal and forensic practices in Romania and Norway to produce guidelines for Romanian authorities for developing cooperation between law enforcement and mental health systems.


The Romanian government has pledged to remedy the issue of the violations of the rights of vulnerable groups, in particular, persons with mental disabilities. Currently, the police and mental health professionals lack the procedures, tools and training necessary to work with persons with mental impairments. With the new Memorandum on Mental Health, there is a need for interdisciplinary research and better cooperation among the police, other law enforcement and judicial bodies and healthcare institutions.

The Mindful Justice project will respond to this demand by providing research on existing policy and mental health and social practices in Romania and Norway, developing and supporting a cooperation working procedure between Romanian law enforcement and the mental health and social work system, and sharing knowledge through workshops, study visits, meetings, conferences, and an advocacy campaign.

The project is implemented by the Centre for Legal Resources through the Romania Fund for Bilateral Relations, funded by the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021. The content of this site does not necessarily reflect the official position of the Programm Operator, National Contact Operator or the Financial Mechanism Office. The information and opinions expressed are thereby in the exclusive responsibility of the author/authors

More information is available on the project page on the CLR website.