Vikram Kolmanskogg (2018)
On 6 September 2018, the Indian Supreme Court delivered a 493-page-long verdict on LGBT rights and love.“Navtej Singh Johar v. Union of India” is arguably one of the most progressive and comprehensive verdicts that the world has seen in this field of law till date. In the following, I will highlight a few important aspects of the verdict, making extensive use of quotes to convey a sense of the compassionate and cosmopolitan spirit of the Indian Supreme Court judges. (“LGBT” is the term used in the verdict, and therefore the one I will be using here.)
This brief has been written as part of the CMI/UiB and Centre on Law and Social Transformation project “Sexual and Reproductive Rights Lawfare: Global Battles” funded by the Norwegian Research Council.
Full brief can be found here on the CMI website.