Looking for dialogue and recognition: transgender persons’ rights

Date: 8 March 2021 Time: 17:00-18:00 Venue: Zoom Relevant issues for transgender persons, such as the change of name and gender marks on birth certificates and the use of restrooms according to their gender identity, have been taken to the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court. Considering that and the democratisation role usually assigned to the amicus […]

Filmmaking and intersectionality – “The Art of Fallism”

A Norwegian film production team follows the South-African movement #FeesMustFall, documenting the women, queer people and trans people that played a central part in the movement’s creation – whilst at the same time experiencing the challenges of being white moviemakers in a South-African context. NB: change in time!

Seminar: LGBT rights around the world – strides and setbacks

Date: 5th June 2019 Time: 18:00 Venue: Litteraturhuset i Bergen, Østre Skostredet 5 From the decriminalization of homosexuality in India to the persecution in Chechnya, global LGBT rights are in constant change. This seminar will explore the state of LGBT rights in different areas of the world and the driving forces behind recent developments and […]

Film screening: «Retablo» (Peru)

Date: Thursday 21 March Time: 16:00 – 18:00 Place: Bergen Global, Jekteviksbakken 31 This event is a collaboration with Cine Latino/BIFF. Set in a Quechua community in Ayacucho, this movie follows a father and son who are artists practicing the characteristic regional art of “retablo”. The movie centers on gender roles among indigenous communities in […]

Conservative Backlash in Europe: the networks behind

Date: Thursday 14th March Time:16:00-18:00 Place: Bergen Global, Jekteviksbakken 31 In recent years, Europe has seen strong conservative mobilization against abortion, LGBT-rights and child protection services. Through the Internet, intensive lobbying and funding from abroad, these movements are gaining new ground – is the seemingly well-established right of abortion under threat in Europe? What are the driving […]

Den nye abortdebatten – globale og juridiske perspektiver

Date: 13.12.18 Time: 08:30-09:30. Place: Bergen Resource Centre, Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen I år er det 40 år siden loven om selvbestemt abort ble vedtatt. Det nylig fremsatte forslaget fra Kristelig Folkeparti om å endre abortlovens § 2 bokstav c viser imidlertid at loven fremdeles skaper sterkt engasjement og dype politiske skillelinjer. Forslaget går ut på […]

Documentary screening: Breaking Free

Date: 29 October 2018 Time: 18:00-20:00 Place: Auditorium 1, Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen. The Centre on Law and Social Transformation in collaboration with Bergen Resource Centre is happy to invite you to a screening of the documentary film ‘Breaking Free’ ‘Breaking Free’ by the Indian filmmaker Sridhar Rangayan (2015). The documentary provides an insight into the […]

Evening Exchanges: Law, politics and adolescent sexual and reproductive health: evidence of impact

Date: Tuesday 21 August Time: 18:00-19:30 Place: Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, Kalfaveien 31, Bergen Politics and law are major determinants of sexual and reproductive health, affecting the availability and quality of for sexual and reproductive health policies and services, including abortion care, as well as access to information and sex education. […]