LawTransform represents the University of Bergen (UiB) at CHARM-EU Annual Conference 2024

On 5 November the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in Budapest, Hungary, hosted the CHARM-EU Annual Conference 2024 “Intercultural Learning and European Universities”, bringing together delegates from the nine universities part of the alliance. The panel Global South Perspectives in European Higher Education was chaired by Priscila Alvarez-Cueva (University of Barcelona) and had Marjanneke Vijge (Utrecht […]

Spotlight on the Rights Research Agenda

Something you might not have noticed during the chaotic times of Bergen Exchanges, some of our most prominent alumni working on the joint CMI/LawTransform Rights act project were interviewed.

South-South Network Special Issue – October 18th

We are excited to announce the launch of the South-South Network Special Issue on October 18th! Published by Direito GV, this special issue rethinks inequalities through Southern voices, featuring groundbreaking research and case studies on social, gender, sexual, and structural inequality in Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico, India, Zimbabwe, and Kenya. The event will be held […]

Anthropological Contributions to International Legal Approaches to Violence Against Indigenous Women

Check out Rachel Sieder‘s most recent article: Anthropological Contributions to International Legal Approaches to Violence Against Indigenous Women. Just published on line in the American Journal of International Law – and open access! For the entire symposium, click here. Sieder is PI for the LawTransform project Pluriland: Theorizing Conflict and Contestation in Plural Land Rights Regimes.

Congratulations to Ana Braconnier, whose PhD was approved in July!

Congratulations to PluriLands research team member Ana Braconnier, whose PhD was approved in July. Ana’s dissertation on the politics of constitutional justice and backlash in Guatemala is entitled “Disputing Extractivism at the Court:  Elite Countermobilization and Backlash in a (Still) Colonial Guatemala”. Ana majored in political science at the University of Texas in Austin. Her dissertation was […]

Call for applications: LawTransform/ Rafto Master’s student scholarship

Interested in climate change, democracy and human rights? Don’t miss an opportunity to write a Master thesis on these issues in collaboration with RAFTO and to get a scholarship of 20 000 NOK! Application deadline: 15 November 2020. About the scholarship The Department of Comparative Politics announces a scholarship of NOK 20,000 for a master […]

Tilbakeslag for rettsstaten og håp for 2019

Globalt ble 2018 et dårlig år for rettsstaten. I sin åpningstale som ny FN-kommisjoner for menneskerettigheter, uttrykte Michelle Bachelet i september 2018 fortvilelse over de mange tilbakeslagene verden rundt: Dommere ble verbalt angrepet i USA, sparket i Polen og arrestert i Tyrkia, av statenes utøvende myndigheter. Regjeringsmakt ble styrket på bekostning av grunnleggende sivile rettigheter i […]

Breaking BAD team participated in radio show

During the Breaking BAD project meeting in Accra, Ghana, Lise Rakner (Principal Investigator, CMI/Uni. of Bergen), Nicolas van de Walle (Cornell University), Leo Arriola (Uni. of California, Berkley) and Franklin Oduro (Deputy Executive Director, CDD-Ghana) participated in a radio show titled ‘World Affairs’. The topic of the day was ‘Threats to democracy in Africa’, and our three […]

Two master theses completed as part of the Water-rights project

Congratulations to Mathilde Thorsen and Sara Ekblom on their master theses! The Water-rights’ project team is really proud of you! Water & Power (2017-2018). Mathilde Thorsen (UiB, Department of Comparative Politics, Supervisor: Siri Gloppen). Has the elevation of the right to water to an independent human right, strengthened opportunities for those that have their rights violated in […]

Breaking BAD Workshop Debuts in Ghana

PRESS RELEASE, collected from CDD-Ghana’s webpage. 4th July, 2018 The Ghana Center for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana) and the NorGlobal Network, have hosted Ghanaian scholars and practitioners in the field of democracy and governance to share insights on the political, economic and social threats to democracy in the country. Dubbed Breaking Backlash Against Democracy (Breaking BAD), […]