LGBT Rights Recognition in Brazil

Ana de Mello Côrtes, Lívia Gonçalves Buzolin (2024)

Sexual Research and Social Policy

  How to comprehend LGBT rights recognition processes in Brazil broadly? With a little help from my friends! We, the authors of the recently published article on “Paths Towards LGBT Rights Recognition in Brazil”, were already colleagues and graduated from the same master’s program. However, it took a LawTransform Seminar and a suggestion from Siri […]

Legal Opportunity Structure and Legal Battles Over Sex Education and LGBTQ Students in Brazil and Colombia

Ana Côrtes, Juliana Jaramillo (2024)

Revista Direito GV

Ana de Mello Côrtes is a Queer rights researcher and activist, a fellow at LawTransform (CMI-UiB Centre on Law & Social Transformation), and an affiliated researcher at the University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research. Juliana Jaramillo is a PhD candidate in Development Studies at Universidad de los Andes (Colombia, and a LawTransform fellow. Ana […]

Photo from the CPHIA website. Maternal Health Financing and Postpartum Detentions: Political Will as an Underlying Determinant for Respectful Maternity Care in Kenya

Kerigo Odada (2024)

Revista Direito GV

An article by Kerigo Odada, a lawyer, researcher, and advocate with a particular focus on the right to health, specifically sexual and reproductive health and rights. She is a Ph.D. researcher and academic associate at the Centre for Human Rights University of Pretoria. Her research focuses on Obstetric Violence and the Legal Mobilisation For Respectful […]

Evaluating India’s Engagement with the Universal Periodic Review: A Focus on Women’s Rights

Bhavya Gupta (2024)

Revista Direito GV

An article by Bhavya Gupta, a PhD Candidate in the School of International Studies (SIS) at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU, India), and a LawTransform fellow. Bhavya Gupta is a part of the South-South Network, a group dedicated to amplifying the voices of Global South researchers in crucial socio-legal debates. Read her full article here. Abstract: […]

Blogpost: Gender Trouble: Glocalization of Sexuality Education

Satang Nabaneh (2024)

Human Rights in Context

Check here Dr Satang Nabaneh‘s most recent publication, the blogpost Gender Trouble: Glocalization of Sexual Education at Human Rights in Context. Dr Satang Nabaneh is an award-winning legal scholar, educator, researcher, and human rights practitioner. She is the Director of Programs at the University of Dayton Human Rights Center and a Global Fellow at the […]

Blogpost: Governing assisted reproduction

Ana de Mello Côrtes (2024)

Open Global Rights

Check here Ana de Mello Côrtes‘ most recent publication, the blogpost Governing assisted reproduction at Open Global Rights. Ana de Mello Côrtes is a Queer rights researcher and activist, a fellow at LawTransform (CMI-UiB Centre on Law & Social Transformation), and an affiliated researcher at the University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research. The blogpost […]

Book Review: Global Gender Constitutionalism and Women’s Citizenship

Ana Côrtes (2023)

de Mello Côrtes, A. Ruth Rubio-Marín, Global Gender Constitutionalism and Women's Citizenship: A Struggle for Transformative Inclusion. Jindal Global Law Review (2023)

Guest researcher at LawTransform Ana Côrtes has written a book review on Global Gender Constitutionalism and Women’s Citizenship: A Struggle for Transformative Inclusion, which has been published in the Jindal Global Law Review. The book is written by Ruth Rubio-Marín and addresses the history of constitutionalism with women as the point of reference. Rubio-Márin launched the book at last years Bergen Exchanges […]

Book chapters in Research Handbook on International Abortion Law

LawTransform co-director Liv Tønnessen and other LawTransform affiliates and PhD course alums have contributed with chapters in the newly published Research Handbook on International Abortion Law edited by Mary Ziegler, Martin Luther King Jr. Professor of Law, University of California, Davis School of Law, US. The book provides an in-depth, multidisciplinary study of abortion law […]

Direito e gênero: reflexões plurais sobre teorias feministas

Cunha, Luciana Gross and Lívia Gonçalves Buzolin (2022)

New publication from researchers affiliated with our partner institution Getulio Vargas Foundation São Paulo School of Law. Our PhD guest researcher Ana Côrtes contributes with the first chapter which addresses MacKinnon and the law as a tool for the emancipation of women. The following chapters address MacKinnon’s sex equality and the evolution of the family […]

Abortion and ‘conscientious objection’ in South Africa

Satang Nabaneh (2021)

Abortion and 'conscientious objection' in South Africa. In Advancing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Africa. By Ebenezer Durojaye, Gladys Mirugi-Mukundi, Charles Ngwena. Routlege

New book chapter: The 1996 Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act of South Africa is hailed as one of the most exemplary liberal laws on abortion. However, one of the key challenges to the efficacy of the law is the refusal to perform or provide abortion care based on conscience grounds. The Act does not directly […]