Legal and regulatory reform
One step forward and many to the side: combating gender violence in Afghanistan, 2001-2014
February 4, 2015
This article by Torunn Wimpelmann (CMI) offers some reflections on the efforts over the last decade to combat violence against women in Afghanistan through reforms …
Giving Effect to Children’s Right to Health in Colombia? Analysing the Implementation of Court Decisions Ordering Health System Reform
October 9, 2013
Despite major developments to provide conceptual clarity to the legal enforcement of economic, social and cultural (ESC) rights, research analysing the processes of implementing court …
Regulating Religion: Secularism and Religious Freedom in the Global Era
August 18, 2014
The contemporary moment is marked by an unprecedented “faith” in the law (Comaroff 2009). The aim of this multidisciplinary project is to provide new and …
Playing with the rules – how extractive industries players pursue illicit practices and what can be done about it?
October 31, 2019
Over the last two decades, several laws and initiatives have been adopted around the world to fight illicit financial flows, but corruption and tax avoidance …