Date: 25th of March 2022
Time: 14:15-16:30
Place: Auditorium A, Sydneshaugen skolen, Sydnesplassen 9
Place: Auditorium A, Sydneshaugen skolen, Sydnesplassen 9
Free entrance.
LawTransform (CMI-UiB Centre on Law and Social Transformation) and Cine Latino invite you to the screening of the film “Fly so Far” to be followed by a panel discussion with Siri Gloppen (UiB/LawTransform), Soledad Marambio (Department of Foreign Languages, UiB) and Leiv Marsteintredet (Department of Comparative Politics, UiB)
Check out the synopsis:
Teodora is one of many victims of El Salvador’s total ban on abortions. In 2008, she was convicted to 30 years in prison for experiencing a miscarriage. FLY SO FAR is an engaging documentary depicting Teodora and other women’s fight for justice in the face of one of the world’s strictest abortion laws.
More about Cine Latino: