We are very lucky to have three great guest researchers at LawTransform this semester!
Juliana Jaramillo is a PhD candidate at Universidad de los Andes (Colombia). She works in the field of socio-legal studies and she works on topics related to gender and sexual diversity, human rights, courts, advocacy networks, and social movements. During her research stay Juliana has been working on her dissertation on the recognition of LGBTI rights: “The Mobilization for LGBTI Rights in Colombia. Legal Mobilization Networks and Judicial Impact”. She also participated in the ninth edition of the Bergen Exchanges, in the roundtable “Sexuality Politics, Lawfare and Violence: Global Contestations”. She has also joined the Rights and Gender Research Group, which is part of the Chr. Michelsen Institute, and where she will present some advances of her dissertation. Juliana is also working on the organization of an internal academic seminar where LawTransform members will be able to share and discuss their academic work together.
Larissa Cristina Margarido is a PhD candidate in Law and Development at FGV Sao Paulo Law School (Brazil). She holds a bachelor’s degree in Law from the University of São Paulo and a master’s degree in Law and Development from FGV, having recently had her dissertation published by Margem da Palavra in Brazil. She works in the field of socio-legal studies, and her research interests include human rights, children’s rights, gender, race, discourse analysis, legislative processes and public policies. During her stay in Bergen, Larissa is working on her thesis, in which she seeks to understand how sexual and family practices are used as elements of subversion and/or disregard of social protection for female children and adolescents by the Child Protection System of the city of São Paulo. She is also involved in the project “Autocratization Dynamics: Innovations in Research-Embedded Learning“, as well as other academic activities and projects hosted by LawTransform, the University of Bergen and the Chr. Michelsen Institute.
Lívia Gonçalves Buzolin is a PhD candidate in Law and Development at FGV Sao Paulo Law School (Brazil). Her research interests include sexuality, gender, race, human rights, legislative processes, and courts. Lívia is currently a guest researcher at the Centre on Law & Social Transformation, where she is working on her dissertation on LGBTI rights, abortion, and affirmative action policies in Brazil. During her stay at the Centre, she was part of the roundtable “Sexuality Politics, Lawfare and Violence: Global Contestations” during 2022 Bergen Exchanges; was the moderator of RDV-seminar on the “No Separate Peace: On Intersectional Coalition Solidarity and Rights Radicalism” with Professor Michael McCann and presented her paper on sexual and reproductive rights at the Rights and Gender Research Group. She is currently organizing a collective publication with the South-South network, formed by young scholars from the Global South that were present at 2022 Bergen Exchanges.