Masters thesis for Runa Falck Langaas (Comparative Politics, UiB), submitted 2017 Norway has a long history of discrimination against a group of Roma, namely the Tater/Romani people. In 1998, the Norwegian authorities officially apologised for the way in which the Tater/Romani people had been treated. A few years later, another group of Roma started coming […]
Masters thesis for Marthe Sleire Engedahl (Comparative politics, UiB) Historically high numbers of refugees and the current unwillingness of states to provide refuge to people fleeing persecution have placed the international refugee protection regime under what is often framed as unprecedented pressure. Key refugee protection mechanisms, such as the 1951 Refugee Convention and the right […]
Masters project by Mathilde Thorsen, 2018. In this thesis, I attempt to explain the development of the international human right to water, and how this has affected opportunities for those that have their rights violated. As the right to water was elevated to an independent human right in 2010, some mechanisms were created to monitor […]