PhD and Masters projects



    Post-seminar reflection: The Impact of Social Media on Bangladesh’s 2024 Student-Led Democratic Revolution

    In 2024, Bangladesh witnessed a powerful student-led movement that catalyzed democratic change, demonstrating the profound impact of social media on societal transformation. This movement emerged …

    International Labour Day – Should focus be on how much we work or how we work?

    1st of May is International Labour Day. This is not just a celebration of the rights won by employees, but a day to march for …

    Are Norwegian prisons perfect?

    This blogpost reflects part of Davi Mendes Málaga’s Ph.D. research on the field of Administration, with focus in Public Administration and Policy. In this work, …

    Master thesis: Safeguarding borders, or safeguarding queers?

    Yngvild Gotaas Torvik has submitted her master thesis on queer asylum, titled “Safeguarding borders, or safeguarding queers – Norwegian perceptions of (in)credible LGBT asylum seekers …

    Master’s thesis: A Postmaterialist Explanation of Homophobia in Africa

    Ruben Berge Mathisen, a research assistant at the Centre on Law and Social Transformation, submitted his master’s thesis on homophobia in Africa in June 2018. …


    Water & Power: Has the elevation of the right to water to an independent human right strengthened opportunities for those that have their rights violated in India?

    Masters project by Mathilde Thorsen, 2018. In this thesis, I attempt to explain the development of the international human right to water, and how this …

    Providing ‘international protection’ to refugees – UNCHR’s mandate lost in interpretation?

    Masters thesis for Marthe Sleire Engedahl (Comparative politics, UiB) Historically high numbers of refugees and the current unwillingness of states to provide refuge to people …

    New Policies, Old Attitudes? – Discrimination against Roma in Norway

    Masters thesis for Runa Falck Langaas (Comparative Politics, UiB), submitted 2017 Norway has a long history of discrimination against a group of Roma, namely the …

    Exploring Community Policing as Social Innovation. Democratic Governance, social needs, social change, and implementation challenges. The cases of Badalona and Pamplona (Spain)

    Masters project for Artur Rubinat (Department of Administration and Organization Theory at UiB) My master thesis reads Community Policing as Social Innovation. In the Police …

    A Postmaterialist Explanation for Homophobia in Africa: Multilevel Analysis of Attitudes Towards Homosexuals in 33 African Countries

    Masters project: Ruben Berge Mathisen (Comparative Politics, UiB), submitted 2018 This thesis advances a modified version of Inglehart’s Postmaterialist thesis as an explanation for homophobia …



    Two master theses completed as part of the Water-rights project

    Congratulations to Mathilde Thorsen and Sara Ekblom on their master theses! The Water-rights’ project team is really proud of you! Water & Power (2017-2018). Mathilde Thorsen …

    Water & Power – Dissertation by Mathilde Thorsen

    On 1st. of June comparative politics student Mathilde Thorsen handed in her master thesis: ‘Water & Power: Has the elevation of the right to water …
