Channeling Water Conflicts through the Legislative Branch in Colombia

Angela M. Páez and Catalina Vallejo Piedrahíta (2021)

2021. "Channeling Water Conflicts through the Legislative Branch in Colombia" Water 13, no. 9: 1214.

New article: This paper answers the question: has the Colombian Congress been effective at addressing relevant water conflicts and making them visible? While courts and social movements have been key for the advancement of social rights in Latin America, the role of legislators remains unclear. We conduct content analysis of all water-related bills, proposed bills, […]

The Human Right to Water in a Global Pandemic

Rebecca Schiel, Bruce Wilson, Malcolm Langford (2020)

LSE Human Rights Blog

This blog post is an output of LawTransform’s project Elevating water rights to human rights: Has it strengthened marginalized peoples’ claim for water?. Water is undoubtedly essential beyond a pandemic, yet globally, three out of ten individuals lack access to safe drinking water (SDG). Populations lacking access to reliable, clean water are at a greater disadvantage […]

Does it Matter: Constitutionalisation, Democratic Governance, and the Human Right to Water

Check out this new publication by Rebecca Schiel, Malcolm Langford, Bruce Wilson– an output of LawTransform’s project Elevating water rights to human rights: Has it strengthened marginalized peoples’ claim for water?. States are urged frequently by the UN, policymakers, and activists to recognise the human right to water domestically. However, does such legal incorporation, often […]

Water scarcity – A global problem

Mathilde Thorsen (2018)

Bergens Tidende

Vannmangel er vårt problem Mathilde Thorsen:25. mars 2018 07:00, oppdatert 23. mars 2018 12:29 I flere uker i starten av året så det ut som om at den sørafrikanske byen Cape Town, som var rammet av den verste tørken på over 100 år, kunne gå tom for vann. Nå har «Day zero», dagen hvor Cape Town skulle gå […]

Hvem har ansvaret for å sikre folk vann? 

Mathilde Thorsen (2018)

Bergens Tidende Debatt 19.07.2018

Mathilde Thorsen has written about water rights and the ongoing water crisis in India in Bergens Tidende. The text ask questions regarding who is in charge of securing people water, and call for global cooperation and respect of the human right to water. You can read the full text in Norwegian below or on Bergens […]