Gender Trouble: Glocalization of gender politics and challenges for public health and democracy

Project Leader: Siri Gloppen Funding: Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) RDF 2022, £10000 About the project The project aims to to develop a collaborative, inter-disciplinary, and multi-sited research project investigating the growing politicization of gender across societies, and the consequences for public health and democracy. This addresses a major societal challenge and requires international collaboration. The politicization […]

Autocratization Dynamics: Innovations in Research-Embedded Learning

Project Leader: Lise Rakner (UiB) Funding: Norwegian Research Council (NRC) & HK-dir 10 mill NOK “Autocratization Dynamics” aims to further strengthen UiB-CMI LawTransform as a global hub for research at the intersection of law and politics, and as a leading centre for innovations in horizontal research-embedded education, by forging long-term partnerships with leading research and educational […]

Rights Activism under Political Uncertainty (RightAct)

Project team: Project leader: Leonardo Arriola Liv Tønnessen, Matthew Gichohi, Lise Rakner, Siri Gloppen, Arsène Brice Bardo, Jaimie Bleck, Alyssa Heinze, Jane Mango Angar, Johanna Reyes Ortega, Sarah Daniel, Fiona Shen Bayh Human rights activists face increasingly contentious and uncertain conditions as authoritarian forces challenge democratic norms around the world. Activists must navigate an increasingly […]

Truth Commissions and Sexual Violence: African and Latin American Experiences

Sexual violence committed during war or internal armed conflict is a major global challenge. It has mostly remained under-addressed during transitions from conflict and repressive regimes. Some governments have tried to address conflict-related-sexual-violence (CRSV) through truth commissions, whose job it is to document human rights violations and provide recommendations to remedy the past and prevent […]

Legitimacy Challenges

The premise for the LEGITIMACY project is that the mobilization against the Norwegian child protection system is but one piece in a larger picture about mistrust in governments, politicians and the understanding of social and political movements in modern societies. Read more about the project here. LEGITIMACY is an ambitious project that will employ several […]

Truth and Reconciliation in a Democratic Welfare State: The Indigenous Sami and the Kven/Norwegian Finns Minority in Norway (TRUCOM)

This project will study how Norway – a well-established democratic welfare state – attempts to settle the negative effects of long-lasting policies of assimilation and discrimination against indigenous and minority groups through the establishment of a formal truth and reconciliation commission. How and in what ways will the Norwegian Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) – […]

Cosmopolitan Turn and Democratic Sentiments

The CONSENT-project will study the children’s rights situation in Norway and Romania. All children possess rights as declared in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). The CONSENT research project will empirically examine the extent to which the CRC is considered to be relevant in democratic assemblies and legal regulations, if […]

Rethinking democracy & law

  This project rethinks the way teaching is done in the field of Democracy & Law. It does so by building a new four-way collaboration between: the University of Bergen /LawTransform;  two US universities who are at the forefront in this field: the University of Washington (UW) and Syracuse University; and the Bergen based Rafto […]

LawTransform: Effects of Rights & Law

The project aims to consolidate the Centre on Law & Social Transformation (LawTransform) as a leading hub for scholarship on the use of law as an instrument of social change, and to advance high-quality research-based education in this field in Norway and abroad. Background and purpose: Our project brings together an interdisciplinary team of scholars […]

The Pro Bono Group

We are a group at the University of Bergen that conduct research on children´s rights. Pro Bono is a Latin phrase for professional work and research undertaken voluntarily without payment and for the benefit of the public good. We believe that working for children and young individual’s rights is a particularly important social responsibility. In […]