LawTransform: Effects of Rights & Law

Project Team: Siri Gloppen, Lara Côrtes, Marta Machado, Conrado Mendes, Jayna Kothari, Namita Wahi, Jackie Dugard, Bruce Wilson, Daniel Brinks (project managers) and several scholars in the partner institutions

Timeframe: 01/06/2018 - 01/31/2023

The project aims to consolidate the Centre on Law & Social Transformation (LawTransform) as a leading hub for scholarship on the use of law as an instrument of social change, and to advance high-quality research-based education in this field in Norway and abroad.

Background and purpose:

Our project brings together an interdisciplinary team of scholars based in research and higher education institutions in Norway, Brazil, India, South Africa and the United States, who work in areas such as gender, health and natural resources (land, water).

With the support of the Research Council of Norway and the Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (Diku) through the INTPART-programme, LawTransform has built on research projects based at the centre to provide innovative and relevant interdisciplinary research-based education. More concretely, LawTransform:

  • has improved the PhD course “Effects of Lawfare” at the University of Bergen (UiB), making it a permanent course taught every August;
  • has enabled students form partner institutions to travel to Bergen to participate in the PhD course;
  • has supported researchers stays at partner institutions in Norway and abroad;
  • has applied for new research projects.

The project team is now working on the development of an online module as a preparation for the annual LawTransform PhD course as well as on online modules to be taught at the partner institutions as part of existing regular courses with common topics and goals.

Our partner institutions are University of Bergen (UiB) and Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) in Norway, Fundacão Getulio Vargas (FGV) and University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil, Centre for Law & Policy Research (CLPR), Bangalore and Centre for Policy Research (CPR), New Delhi, in India, University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), Johannesburg in South Africa and University of Texas at Austin and University of Central Florida (UCF) in the United States.


Academic chapter: Gloppen, Siri: “A View from Northern Europe”, in: Conrado Hübner Mendes et al. (eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Constitutional Law in Latin America, Oxford University Press 2022.

Academic chapter: Gloppen, Siri; Catalina P. Vallejo: “The Quest for Butterfly Climate Adjudication“, in: César Rodríguez-Garavito (ed.): Litigating the Climate Emergency How Human Rights, Courts, and Legal Mobilization Can Bolster Climate Action, pp. 117-131, Cambridge University Press 2022.

Academic chapter: Gloppen, Siri; Catalina P. Vallejo: “The Climate Crisis: Litigation and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights”, in: Jackie Dugard et al. (eds.): Research Handbook on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights as Human Rights, pp. 386-409, Edward Elgar Publishing 2020.

Academic article: Gianella, Camila et al.: “Good Health Indicators are Not Enough: Lessons from COVID-19 in Peru“, in: Health and Human Rights Journal, Vol. 22/2 (12/2020), pp. 317-320.

Academic article: Gianella, Camila; Jasmine Gideon; Maria Jose Romero: “What Does COVID-19 Tell Us About the Peruvian Health System?“, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 42, 2021 –  Issue 1-2 (12/2020), pp. 55-67.

Academic article: Gianella, Camila; Maria A. Pesantes: “¿Y la salud intercultural?: Lecciones desde la pandemia que no debemos olvidar“, Mundo Amazónico, Vol. 11/2 (2020), pp. 93-110.

Course material:

Gianella, Camila; Maritza Parades; Lorena Ligueroa: “Corruption, Informality and Power: Explaining the Limits to Institutional Approaches for Tackling Illegal Logging in Peru“, U4 Issue 2021:11.

Gianella, Camila et al.: “Reverting Five Years of Progress: Impact of COVID-19 on Maternal Mortality in Peru“, Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief No. 2021:1), 4 p.

Côrtes, Lara Barbosa Quadros et al.: “Climate Change Governance: Global Regimes, National Interests, Local Norms“, Roundtable as part of Bergen Exchanges 2019.

Sieder, Rachel et al.: “Indigenous Rights as Political Tools – Struggles over Land and Identity“, Keynote by R. Sieder with roundtable as part of Bergen Exchanges 2019.

Côrtes, Lara Barbosa Quadros et al.: “Innovative Teaching on Law & Social Change: Student Perspectives”, Roundtable as part of Bergen Exchanges 2019.

Langford, Malcolm et al.: “Law, Technology and Social Change” , Roundtable as part of Bergen Exchanges 2018.

Skaar, Elin et al: “Truth Commissions on Violations Against Indigenous Peoples: The Sami Truth Commission in Comparative Perspective”, Roundtable as part of Bergen Exchanges 2019.

Hübner Mendes, Conrado et al.: “Children’s Climate Litigation: Future Generations’ Rights to a Healthy Environment“, Roundtable as part of Bergen Exchanges 2018.

Côrtes, Lara Barbosa Quadros et al.: “Innovative Teaching on Law & Social Change“, Roundtable as part of Bergen Exchanges 2018.

Brinks, Daniel M. et al.: “Judging Democratic Backlash“, Roundtable as part of Bergen Exchanges 2018.

Aasen, Henriette Sinding et al.: “Litigating Health Rights – What Happened with the Mega-Judgments?“, Roundtable as part of Bergen Exchanges 2018.

Rubio Marin, Ruth et al.: “Researching Intersectionality“, Roundtable as part of Bergen Exchanges 2018.

Wilson, Bruce et al.: “The Right to Water, Urban Governance & Health“, Roundtable as part of Bergen Exchanges 2018.

Alfinito Vieira, Ana et al.: “Extractivism, Land Disputes and Territories of Resistance”, 2022.

Barbieri, Catarina et al.: “Abortion Rights Lawfare in Latin America“, Roundtable as part of Bergen Exchanges 2022.

Sanctis, Adriane et al.: “Academic Freedom under Threat: Resistance and New Research Agendas”, 2022.

Hübner Mendes, Conrado et al.: “Academic Freedom – Multifaceted Contestations“, Roundtable as part of Bergen Exchanges 2022.

Arruti, José Mauricio et al.: “Anti-racism & Indigenous Governance?”, 2022.

Brinks, Daniel M. et al.: “Autocratic Legalism in Comparative Perspective”, 2022.

Hübner Mendes, Conrado et al.: “Autocratization and Institutional Resistance in the Americas”, 2022.

Botero, Sandra et al.: “Can Courts Bring Democracy and Social Justice?“, Book launch and roundtable as part of Bergen Exchanges 2022.

Hamann, Kerstin et al.: “Child Marriage and the Significance of Global Norm Diffusion“, Roundtable as part of Bergen Exchanges 2022.

Gianella, Camila et al.: “Climate Change Governance Fragility and the Threats of Authoritarianism?”, 2022.

Botero, Sandra et al.: “Courts and Democracy”, 2022.

Bergallo, Paola et al.: “Feminist Frontiers in Climate Justice: Gender Equality, Climate Change and Rights”, 2022.

Smulovitz, Catalina: “From Judicial Persecution to Lawfare. When Polarization Turns Sour“, Keynote as part of Bergen Exchanges São Paolo 2022.

Abers, Rebecca et al.: “Judicial Institutions, Politics and Public Policies in the Threat of Autocratization”, 2022.

Gloppen, Siri et al.: “Litigating the Climate Emergency: How Human Rights, Courts and Legal Mobilization can Bolster Climate Action”, 2022.

Vallejo, Catalina P. et al: “New Paths in Climate Litigation“, Roundtable as part of Bergen Exchanges 2022.

Sieder, Rachel; Eloy Terena: “O Futuro dos Direitos dos Povos Indígenas no Brasil: Desafios e caminho”, 2022.

Sampaio, Gabriel et al.: “Persistent Challenges of Violent Democracies: Racism, State, Violence and Impunity”, 2022.

Wilson, Bruce et al.: “Polarization and Gender Battles in Latin America”, 2022.

Rudsan, Dandara et al.: “Repression and Political Violence in Democracies at Risk”, 2022.

Gloppen, Siri: “Researching Autocratization and Resistance in Comparative Perspective”, 2022.

Côrtes, Lara Barbosa Quadros et al.: “Rethinking Law & Democracy Education: Student-Led Learning”, Roundtable as part of Bergen Exchanges 2022.

Mota Prado, Mariana et al.: “The Limits of Judicialization: From Progress to Backlash in Latin America”, 2022.

Almeida, Henrique et al.: “The Political Economy of Authoritarianism and its Resistance”, 2022.

Brinks, Daniel M. et al.: “Autocratic Legalism“, Keynote with roundtable as part of Bergen Exchanges 2021.

Keck, Thomas M. et al.: “Backlash against Academic Freedom“, Roundtable as part of Bergen Exchanges 2021.

Côrtes, Lara Barbosa Quadros et al.: “Learning Law & Social Change“, Roundtable as part of Bergen Exchanges 2021.

Rubio Marin, Ruth et al.: “The Global Backlash against Women’s Rights“, Keynote and roundtable as part of Bergen Exchanges 2021.

Hübner Mendes, Conrado et al.: “COVID-19 and the Politics of Climate Governance in the Amazon“, 2020.

Machado, Marta et al.: “Democracy and Autocratization by Law“, Roundtable as part of Bergen Exchanges 2020.

Gloppen, Siri; Pilar Domingo: “Dialogue Symposium: Women on the Bench”, 2020.

Kothari, Jayna et al.: “Gender, (In)Equality and the Law“, Keynote with roundtable as part of Bergen Exchanges 2020.

Langford, Malcolm: “Inequality & Law in Times of Crisis“, Keynote as part of Bergen Exchanges 2020.

Kothari, Jayna et al.: “Researching Intersectionality of Gender, Ability, Class & Caste“, Roundtable as part of Bergen Exchanges 2020.

Gloppen, Siri et al.: “Science in Climate Litigation: Epistemic Communities at Work“, Roundtable as part of Bergen Exchanges 2020.

Langford, Malcolm et al.: “Water, Inequality and Rights“, Roundtable as part of Bergen Exchanges 2020.

Gloppen, Siri et al.: “Grassroot Climate Activism: From Paris to the Amazon“, Roundtable as part of Bergen Exchanges 2020.

Wahi, Namita et al.: “Indigenous Rights as Political Tools – Struggles over Land and Identity“, Roundtable as part of Bergen Exchanges 2019.

Rubio Marin, Ruth; Lydia Mugambe: “Lunch with the Judge“, Interview as part of Bergen Exchanges 2019.