Master thesis, University of Bergen. 2017. Original title: «Slik gjør vi det her» En kvalitativ vignettstudie av læreres skjønnsutøvelse i henhold til lovpålagt meldeplikt Abstract: Denne studien søker å belyse læreres skjønnsutøvelse i henhold til meldeplikten. For å gå i dybden av problemstillingen; «Hvordan utøver lærere skjønn i sine vurderinger av elevers omsorgssituasjon i henhold til […]
Master thesis, University of Bergen (2017) Original Title: Sakkyndige som «demokratiets sorte hull»? En vignettstudie av sakkyndige psykologers vurderinger av barnevernssaker Abstract: Denne studien er en kvantitativ vignettstudie som undersøker hvordan barnefaglige sakkyndige psykologer og psykologspesialister vurderer emosjonell og fysisk omsorgssvikt hos spedbarn (N=116). Undersøkelsen ble sendt ut til alle barnefaglige sakkyndige psykologer og psykologspesialister […]
Master thesis, University of Bergen (2017). Abstract: The Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is a UN Treaty body with the mandate to assess the State parties’ adherence to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This assessment is carried out in a periodic reporting process, where the CRC receives information about […]
Suing the State for climate change is the title for Catalina Vallejo Ph.D project. Vallejo finished her 2018. About: How are courts around the world holding governments accountable for failing to mitigate or adapt to climate change? Through content analysis of court decisions in cases against governments around the world, the study examines where and how citizens […]
Yngvild Gotaas Torvik has submitted her master thesis on queer asylum, titled “Safeguarding borders, or safeguarding queers – Norwegian perceptions of (in)credible LGBT asylum seekers at the intersection of ‘LGBT friendly’ norms and restrictionalist immigration policies”. This was written as part of the research project Sexual and Reproductive Rights Lawfare: Global battles. The thesis explores […]
PhD Project for Anna Gopsill The research project aims to analyse the use of wartime sexual violence against men (SVAM) as a politicised weapon of war in Bosnia-Herzegovina (1992-1995) and Rwanda (1994). By tracing verdicts from the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), the project […]
Sara Ekblom has written her master’s thesis in law (UiB) on the right to water in investor-State arbitration. The thesis asks how investor-State Tribunals addresses the relationship between the Argentine Governments’ international duty to realize the human right to affordable drinking water through regulation and policy, and its international duty to accord foreign investors in […]
Oda Ringstad: Master’s project. University of Bergen, 2019. It has been discussed whether a right to self-defence also applies for pre-emptive self-defence, meaning whether there exists a principle that allows a state to use armed forces in self-defence to defend itself against an upcoming attack. The famous Webster-formulation from 1837 states that a state can […]
Masters project: Ruben Berge Mathisen (Comparative Politics, UiB), submitted 2018 This thesis advances a modified version of Inglehart’s Postmaterialist thesis as an explanation for homophobia in Africa. My argument is that economic development substantially contributes to creating a Postmaterialist public culture – part of which is tolerance for homosexuality – when triggering three mechanisms: a) […]
Masters project for Artur Rubinat (Department of Administration and Organization Theory at UiB) My master thesis reads Community Policing as Social Innovation. In the Police service this means to link democratic governance mechanisms (citizen and community participation), with meeting security needs to produce social change. I study the Local Police reforms in the cities of […]